What Would You Say If You Met Emma?

Everyone has their own opinion. Try to respect each others...

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Hpan1f~ "Hey, Emma..Yeah I know kinda rough having an anti emma...er...you site but I'm sure If I got to know you It'll probably change."

Thoa (Kristina Vi)~ "Emma, stop being a Black and Asian Wannabe!
You sl@&!
You sing for da b#%#@es and da ho's!
You're too pop to be taken seriously by me!
Emma, you call dat s*** a fashion sense?
Nah, it ain't.
My, my, my Emma!
Have you stuffed again?
I can always tell because there's a piece of tissue hanging down from yo shirt.
Emma, why do you dress like a hoochie?
Hey, Emma, go behind the dumpster and you'll find what yo' looking for, yo bodyguard beaten up.
Emma, you can sue if you want to about me and mah friend' site EHI, because all I'm gonna say is, 'Hey, this is America!
I may be the dumbest person in mah whole family's generation, but all I'm gonna say is... We got the freedom of speech and press!
Emma, you call that an act?
You suck!Emma, that's some fake-me-outz!
Ya sing worse than Avril and Cher"

Hpan1f~Umm...Like I said, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.....Thoa's is just a ...er..bit stronger than everyone elses'. :D

METSBOY66~ "Dear Emma, can your beauty be compared to an angel's, or are you an angel yourself? I admire your fashion sence, it makes you who you are. A kind, loving, gentle person. Would you like to get a drink with me, maybe?

For Hpfan15, shove that in your pipe and smoke it!"

Hpan1f~ "Funny, he sounds like the mysterious champagne guy....hmm...not to mention he spelled my sceen name wrong."

Aviana~I've got a whole lot of things to say to that mofo!
"I'd Say:
Hey Emma
Tryin to be cool
yo not
to me yo just a fool
A fu&kin bi&ch that don't know anything
Burn in he&l
go back to where you came from
we don't need you
why'd you come to da actin business anyway
the easiest thing you can do is
f&ck yoself, kill yo self
you think yo pretty yo not!
you have the scariest face I've ever seen
you think I'm scary, I'm not!
look in the mirror, you'll see what I mean
oh I'm sorry your mirror just broke
trying to sing " Beautiful "
you sing like a goat
my parents, my friends, some other peopl I know
their trying to change my mind about you
No I Won't
I'll never love you!


Poser Wannabe!
That's what you are
Your into fashion?!
My A&s!

Look at yo sh&tty clothes
you think yo pretty I'm laughin
Look in the mirror you ugly!
tryin to pay for beauty?
OMG! I'm scared already!

Yeah, I guess that's all I'd say, I've got more, but their just too rude, anyways...the name's Aviana. I just found this site, it's aight, but you need to add more to the look, it's so plain."

Hpan1f~Wow, a anti fan letter and a fan letter all in the same day.

JpanesePrincess~ "achoo! anyone got any tissues?"
"your as fake as that padded bra!"
"get a new shirt, you slut wanna-be"

Ella~"i dont think i will talk to her (if you get disgused fast dont read the rest) I will jast spit a-l-l over that bit&h!"

Raye666~ Emma do you have a life? and why dont you put clotes on? Im sure you have the monet to but them! or do you? So tell me did you have to strip for the director to get the role of hermione or did you have to sleep with him? Why dont you go back to your strip club and TRY to strip for your fans and TRY to strip for dan loser.

Anna~ Hello you f&cking bi*chy slut(no one can stop what i say right? i'll just pretend to be a stupid psyco fan who loves her and when she comes up to me i'll say that cause they just think i'm gonna say, oh my gosh i've been waiting my whole fucking life to meet you but i'll say that instead then mess up hair

Loving Tom~ Is it true you went out with Tom? Just one more...what did he ever see in YOU?!?!

Anonymous~ If I met Emma I would just look at her and leave!

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