Emma's Future

I found this bit in some newspaper site where they interviewed Emma. Dunno which one though because I sorta browsed through it and forgot to save the link....Oh well, People make mistakes...

When you ask [Emma] Watson where she sees herself, say, 10 years down the road, at age 22, [she was 12 when she was inteviewed] she's unsure.

"I have absolutely no idea of what I want to do," she says. "Probably, something to do with acting, singing, dancing.

She said later that she might want to play a highschool teenager.

We've Already asked if she could act, but do you think Emma would go into the singing and dancing career?
Do you think she can sing and dance? What do you think she would do in the future?


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Your responses

Hpan1f~"Continue acting I guess....Maybe form her own fashion company..dunno..."

Anonymous~"Emma Watson attire: the perfect clothesline for Hoes and Sluts.' I think I'll take a pass on those types of clothes."

JpanesePrincess~ "Emma should be a prostitute "

Roziana~"yep!!i think she getting a hang of the fame thingy...i guess she be doing some REAL stuffs once she gets older"

Izzy "Well...I watched the HP movies like a thousand of times and,honestly...judging by her acting,and by her totally snobbish way to be,I have the right to aske you all Emma haters: Since when Emma Watslut (ooops...Watson) has a future at all?????"

Nerina "maybe as a worthless swimsuit model (not that anyone would pay to see that wildly misfigured excuse for a body)"

Anna "well i bet she cant dance or sing anyways and she'll go bankrupt, at least that's what i want to happen! i'll just tell my friend to try and have a dream that emma goes bankrupt cause my friend's psychic or whateva she can predict the future you know? sometimes she freaks me out when she tells me stuff that she dreamt. its not unrealistic stuff either its stuff that COULD REALLY HAPPEN NOT LIKE OH YOUR GONNA BE EATEN BY A MONSTER"

Julie "Why does she want to play an American teenager if she can't even stand the way we talk?"

Cynnamon "leader of the itty bitty titty comitty!!"

Anonymous "She sucks!!!!! Also, what's with the new hairstyles?! That is like not so Hermione! Emma should get fired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIRED, FIRED, FIRED, FIRED, FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!"

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