Just in case...

Just In case ya'll didn't know, This site was closed down by Angelfire.

That's why many Emma dislikers wondered 'What happened to the site?'
And Emma fans were jumping up saying 'We Won! We won!'

Actually, they did NOT win.

Why this site closed is because we were guiltily stealing bandwith.

And, now we're back, thanks to Anna, with a new layout and new stuff.

Please Contact Anna here and/or Hpan1f because we need more reminders of what this site had for everything was deleted

Anyway, I'm sure Anna could explain it a bit better, but If you are a Emma Fan, What are you doing here?
Curiosity a guess?
But, then again it was your choice to view this site, and quote Anna 'no one put a gun to your head'.
And Its true, unless your held hostage and you're allowed to use a computer.
Anyway, to Emma Dislikers, Welcome to our site, and hope you come again. And again. And again. Ect.

By the way, by the term 'hate' we use this term loosely, which means we dislike Emma with strong passion. Hate is too strong a word for someone I don't know.

Lastly, I'd like to say Sorry to Emma, if she ever does come one here.
I have made a compromise that if Emma says she's sorry for insulting our accent, I will be eager to forgive her and withdraw from this site.

I do NOT dislike Emma Fans. They have their opinions and I have mine. I may also note that I don't go on to Emma Obsessed sites and say 'I hope you die a slow and painful death' because I would never wish someone something that evil to an Emma Fan.

I admit I was once an Emma Fan (Yes, Emma was my idol and I even devoted my own email address to her) until I saw those wretched Press Conference Pictures. She has changed, way too much for her own good.

With that I'd like to say, God Bless and Good Night, or Good Morning, depending on where in the world ya'll live.


Or if it doesn't work, email me here

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