Emma's Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes, we are not perfect. If I were to name all the mistakes I made in my entire life, It would be longer than J.K. Rowling's Order of Phoenix (and as we all know, that book is LOOOOOOONG)

But, here are some embarrasing mistakes that Emma has made, or think she did. I got some of this off from an Emma fan site (don't worry, I didn't leave any comments) and They claim that they know Emma...so it might not be entirely truthful. Ho hum.
Hpan1f's comments are between (parentheses)

Emma tripped and fell on her robes when she was late for a scene in The Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone. She fell flat on her face but got back up. (Well that's purely acceptable, those robes are really long)

Emma was trying to put in some good vocabulary on the Tonight Show with Jay leno. When she was trying to explain how she got the part, she said "it was completley flukely" or 'by chance' in her vocabulary. Well, theres no such thing as flukely, just fluky, which means Resulting from or depending on mere chance. Jay Leno, who was confused, (like the rest of us) caught her and asked her if that was a British word. (no, that's not an insult. 'Bird' means a girl in Britain) Emma realized her mistake and could only laugh it off (Well, not exactly, she could just admit she made a mistake instead of laughing her butt off while others were laughing nervously, but oh well, I guess that's how she ends her mistakes.)

Emma was being interviewed by a TRL reporter on TRL (new york) and she kept moving the microphone. The Reporter said "talk into the mic" but Emma was too busy admiring the reporter. (sounds- HOLD ON! We have another clip of the interview...)

On TRL, she was so snobby to Damien(the host sorta that day)! Here is the story:
Damien: What was your least favourite scene?
Emma: I think that it was when I was hugging dan
(soon after)
Damien: Why? Because he smells?
Emma: No he doesn't
Damien: Is it icky to hug a boy?
Emma: NO! (in a snobby voice and rolls eyes and looks out the window when Rupert was well tempered about the questions the host asked him)
(hold on, she was being nice and sweet to the interviewer on minute, but then rude and snobby to the host?)

And perhaps the biggest mistake:

J. Leno: How is LA different from England?
Emma: It’s very different, especially you say, the way you say Emma Watson! (does the American accent)
J. Leno: Oh yeah, I said that wrong? Should I say Emma Watson? (British accent)
Emma: Sounds pretty good.
J. Leno: How would you say it? Emma: Emma WATSON!
J. Leno: Emma Watson… Yes, yes pretty good yeah…
J. Leno: Not Emma Watson (exaggerates accent)
Emma: Like I said, that’s wrong!
J. Leno: Ok I’ll remember that, I’ll remember it…
(It is NOT wrong. We just pernounce it differently from everyoneelse. Does she have a problem with that?)

That's pretty Much all the mistakes I could find.

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"Her biggest mistake is the way she dresses." from charlotte

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