How Emma Got the Part of Hermione

What is mostly annonying to me is not that Emma Watson has the part of Hermione, but how she got the part.

Let's consider the facts.

Emma's parents are both lawyers. And we all know that lawyers make a lot of money, no matter what country that you live in.

Emma also lives in Oxfordshire, which as we all know, is a home to the many many expensive boarding schools.

And she must of went to some high-class posh boarding school with snobby rich girls to describe it best.

Some of my friends who live in England, live in a tough area with not-so-fancy-dancy schools with rarely any casting directors around.

So, of course, that gives Emma an unfair chance of being Hermione.

Which would casting directors go to look for a star? They wouldn't bother going to a rough area with a group of punks running about. They'd go to a rich area, or Emma's school.

There must be thousands of potential Hermione's who could act better than Emma (and is less snobby) but the casting directors were so sure that they found the perfect Hermione, they didn't bother to look in other places around England.

So, that is how I suppose Emma got the part. A whiff of pure luck.

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"lets just say shes got a very big mouth fora girl her age..." from Kaitlin

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