So, Emma fans probably want proof to back up our comments.
Well, thats what we're going to give them.

Proof of Snobbiness
On TRL, she was so snobby to Damien(the host sorta that day)! Here is the story:
So, Damien asked her that her least favorite scene was when she had to hug dan. Soon after, she was all like yeah(in a snotty voice). So Damien soon after asked her, Why? Because he smells? Emma said, No he doesnt. Damien says: Is it icky to hug a boy? Emma: NO!(in a snotty sort of voice) then she said nothing and rolled her eyes and looked out the window while Rupert was just well tempered about the questions Damien had asked him.

"Anyways, by the way emma looks and acts in interviews, she looks snobby. but I could be wrong"

" She brags how she gets her lines in one take and complains when Dan and Rupert make her have to do it over."

"she always is saying she is famous [or shows it] unlike Daniel"

When she was on J Leno this year, she was so rude to him. Here is the Transcript; courtesy of EWH!:
Emma: It’s very different, especially you say, the way you say Emma Watson! (does the American accent)
J. Leno: Oh yeah, I said that wrong? Should I say Emma Watson? (British accent)
Emma: Sounds pretty good.
J. Leno: How would you say it? Emma: Emma WATSON!
J. Leno: Emma Watson… Yes, yes pretty good yeah…
J. Leno: Not Emma Watson (exaggerates accent)
Emma: Like I said, that’s wrong!
J. Leno: Ok I’ll remember that, I’ll remember it…
By the way, it is NOT wrong. That's the way we pronounce things and if she has a problem with it, she can just Cry me a River.

When she says that she NEVER wants to kiss Rupert or Dan or whoever. She could have least said sorry, but NO, she says in this EWWW-NO-NO-ARE-YOU-KIDDING-U-R-PERVERTED-EWWWW attitude.

When she says 'I wear PLAITS, not pigtails!' (sorry, but does she think that all Americans are stupid?)

I am willing to bet that Emma has friends that are Harry Potter Fans and only want to be with her to be on the set, or they are exactly like Emma, which I say, is pretty sad.

She Complains too much about how she gets her lines right and Dan and Rupert don't. Hello?! People Would kill for a job like that. Why not be a little bit grateful?!

I also have to say that quote Daniel Radcliffe 'I am so lucky. How many people in the world would pay for to be doing this right now?!' (Or something like that. Correct me if I'm wrong) Have you ever seen or heard those words come out of Emma's mouth. No.

"Like, a lot of people are saying "Well, when she was on the talk shows, she could have been having a bad day" Well, There are about 3 talk shows I can think of off the top of my head where she was being a completely rude little brat and whats the likely-ness of her having a bad day conveiniently on those days? NOT VERY FREAKEN LIKELY!!

When asked whats the difference of her and Hermione on the Oprah show, she replys 'Well, I have a much better fashion sense than her' (note, I practically hurt my eyes while watching that show, by rolling them too much)

'Did I forget to mention that she acts WAY older than she actually is!? You really dont have to do that, you only get to be a kid once, enjoy it while it lasts!!'

'I think that Emma doesn't act like a normal child star. Most child stars like...uh.. say Haley Joel Osment **shivers** is never bragging about (if there was)a doll of him and how creepy it is to know that someone is [playing] with you. I dunno 'bout you nice simple folk but, lets see by a show of hands, how many of you have heard that line WAY too many times!' (Throws both of my hands up)

She dislikes being called Hermione. Come on people! What is so wrong about that? Oh well, maybe Emma wants to prove to people that she has a 'better fashion sense' then Hermione. But seriously, why make such a big fuss about it?

"Remember her rection when asked about her feeling when she had to hug Dan? Whoopy-doo. A hug. Grow up Emma,please. You are making us all sick."

"There are also the facts that when Richard Harris died,she had no sympathy whatsoever for him or his family. I don't care if she liked him or not,She is a heartless cow for disregarding his death like another autumn leaf. Pay respects, Emma"

[When asked if it was hard when Richard Harris died.]
Yeah yeah? I would say That he was a great man or I'm really really sad that he died or something like that, but 'yeah yeah'?!

She was in this Omg-Do-I-Really-have-to-hug-Daniel-Radcliffe additude ever since filming.

"She said that she hated huging Dan and a good actress should be able too do that without being all snobby"

"She always says that she is nothing like Hermione, but she says it like Hermione is a bad person or something."

'When asked about the perks of being in the “Harry Potter” movie, Emma still finds a way to be clever.'
Emma: I’d say going to different places. We went to loads of locations which was really fun, met some new people, and it was fantastic acting with really good co-stars, ie. Maggie Smith, Robbie Coltrane, Zoe Wanaker, Julie Walters, and it was just a great cast.
Rupert: And for me, probably the sweets.
Emma: (Rolls eyes) I say a long sobby speech, and he says…’sweets’. *I wouldn't call that clever. I would call that smart-mouthing*

(What other role did you want to play?)
"Malfoy because you can be horible to people--that would be fun to play around with! "(Fun?)

"There are many references I can tell you about, last year on the making of The Philosopher Stone or Sorcerer stone-whatever country your from. She was repeatedly complaining about the food they had, I think it was tuna salad, and apparently she hates tuna. So what, if you were that hungry you would have brought your own food."

"I watched an interview recently that made me laugh so hard. An interviewer made a joke that Emma apparently didn’t think was funny so she gave a “Hahaha” shortly and then stopped and gave a “How dumb” look. Shortly after if you freeze the video she has her middle finger discreetly up. Not sure if the bird was an accident, but you know there are Freudian Slips, why now finger slips?"

"She uses every opportunity she can get to bash Hermione. She constantly uses Hermione’s costuming as a way to call Hermione, basically a dork, and boost her own self by talking about her fashion sense (and I flash back to that horrid green top and fall out of my chair laughing). She continues to say, in an arrogant tone (with voice and diction) that Hermione is school obsessed and that she is better because she plays sports and isn’t that into school. In various interviews she uses different wordings for this (Alas she can vary!) and all around if you read it carefully, says, “I’m better than Hermione, I’m not a dork.” "

"She never writes to fans, she doesn’t even have an official site, she calls her fans “creepy” and makes fun of the gifts they send her in interviews."

"The way she talks about being cast, it was a joke to her and a friend. It was “for fun” and the way she carried on about it sounds like so: “Oh, Harry Potter, duh… I dare you to audition.” “Ok, haha, how dorky.” Ok this was not how it was, I wouldn’t know, but that is what many people have gathered from it, not just me."

"I am also much more obsessed with clothes and shopping whereas Hermione has no fashion sense at all."
That was sorta rude to Hermione.

"she DOES seem like a SNOB. It happens to ALOT of actors/actresses!"

Proof of NOT acting well

"I don't hate her but she really annoys me, like for one she doesn't know how to play hermione" In the book after they save her life from the troll, hermione becomes really nice and normal, not a swot at all, in the movie she stays like that through the whole of it"

On the Writing on the Wall Scene, the trio comes acroos a wall, Emma looks at the blood as though she was going to puke. Not to be picky or anything but isn't she supposed to be astonished and surprised, not looking as though she might throw up?

When Hagrid goes 'Mad and Hairy? You wouldn't be talking about me, would ya?'; Dan and Rupert say 'No' at the same time, but if you pause it and go bit after bit, you'll see that Emma was a little late saying 'No'.

During the scene where Hermione cries because Draco calls her a mudblood, You can tell that Emma isn't really crying because if a person cried, their eyes would have a slight tint of red and would blink a little more than what she does in that scene.

"Hermione is not snobby at least not after they become friends; Emma made her that way"

"Also that she doesn't play hermoine very well because she is supposed to be nice but you just get the impression that she is a snob with no friends"

"Have you noticed that in most of the pictures she has done of Hermione she looks angry and Hermione has lightened up a bit!"

"Emma Watson has absolutely no experience and she really cannot act to save a tree, for petes sake."

"As I sat in the theatre and watched the great hall scene I was amused by how greatly evil Alan Rickman could be, how amazed Rupert Grint acted, and of course I was repulsed by this one line that will stay scarred in my mind for the rest of my life, “Neeeeeearly Headless? How can you be neeeeeaaarly headless.” The high-pitched sound like that of a dying swine was the first of many signs of melodrama."

"Yes she had tears, but anyone can put drops in their eye. In fact the performance that was behind the tears was dry and unemotional. There wasn’t a shred of sorrow, anguish, hurt, rage… nothing. Now I’m an advanced theatre student at this stage, so maybe I make some people confused by talking about method acting, but anyway, maybe someone should have punched Emma in the face and told her the truth, then she may have had some emotion to draw on because that scene was dead!"

"I think Emma was ok but she speaks like a typical child actor, they always stress pronouns which gets very annoying (I'M going home, are YOU??)and there were far too many dramatic pauses (The's stopped playing!). I know that the director probably wanted it that way but it just didn't sound very good. The film was not nearly as good as I thought it would be and I only watched it because my best friend adores Hp and forced me to watch it with her!!!I think many actresses could do just as good a job if not better."

Proof she's not funny

"She makes really corny jokes. Like when she was on Oprah... she's like, "Gilderoy Lockhart... he's the Brad Pitt of Hogwarts." Then she's the only one laughing... yea.. "

On the Dvd extras, there are interviews with the students, and in one of the footage, it has Emma imitating a chicken. She goes 'Ack, Ack Ack'. Ok first, I did not laugh at that and if you laughed at that, then you seriously need to stop taking those pills. 2nd, Isn't a chicken supposed to say 'bawk, bawk'? I mean, I could be wrong. I dont live on a farm and maybe British chickens sound different from American chickens, but seriously, 'who would laugh at 'ack ack'?

Proof she is NOT a Genious

Better Fashion Sense than Hermione??!

She doesn't really watch what she says. One year she says she wants peace from Americans and Afghanistans. The next year, she says she wants clothes.
Ok, first, how could she want peace one year and friggen clothes the next?!!!

...All ask exactly the same questions," the 11-year-old huffs. "You can say exactly the same answers, so you don't have to think. You just kind of stand there like a broken microwave." *A broken Microwave?! What does saying the same thing over and over again have to do with a Broken Microwave?*

"Hey, u know another thing that seperates emma from hermione? emma hasd a great trouble reading! emma has been quoted on order of the pheonix, "It's too big. i start it and then keep putting it down." more proof i guess. luv harry pottter. luv ur site! peace and cheers" from Emma Emily

Proof of bad fashion sense

Look at the Press Conference Pictures. No, go ahead, look.

Go Up to any person that knows nothing whatsoever about Harry Potter or Emma. Then show them the press conference pics, or the Chamber of Secrets Premeire pics. Ask them, How old is the person in this picture? I am willing to bet you'll get an answer of 14-16.

"To the hp1 premiere.. she looks like shes wearing a purpley grey santa sack!"

" hp2 premiere..Emma why didn't you get a proper dress? I expect your mother wanted to keep that tablecloth..and what did you do to make your cats attack your dress like that?! Doesn't it look like she's wearing her mother's frilly tablecloth attacked by her cats?"

"Ok the Scooby Doo premiere..she's trying to look too old she's only 12.. "

"The USA premiere for hp1 she reminds me of a lizard and hp2 usa premiere she looks like she swam in an algae infested pond! I mean you don't wear things like that!"

"And the other one she wore (the brown one) she NEEDS to stop wearing too many petty coats..."

"Ok first off Emma owns enough leather jackets to dress fifteen girls her size, yet she always wears that roll neck, sleeveless sweater. That sweater is one of the most covering things I’ve seen her wear. Emma can’t dress her age it seems."

"CoS press conference green scaly shirt, she looked like she was going to burst out, or CoS DVD launch white pants, her legs, unluckily, looked like fat strapped onto a stick; I bet she thinks tight is sexy, or something."

Proof of Acting older than she is
"I'm 12,but I'll be 13 in April" is the phrase often heard from her. I am only one month older than Emma and I'm rather be 12 than 13 but it seems to me that Miss Watson is trying to grow up way to fast."

"Does anyone also recall her saying this: "I don't wear ponytails,I wear PLAITS!". Is that because ponytails look cute and are associated with little,innocent children?"

"There's something seriously wrong with her mind. OK, she and Rupert went to Shakira's concert. Shakira = 25, pop star, sex symbol. Emma = twelve yrs old, British actress. Emma is dressed in less clothes than Shakira. Something wrong with the picture? "

'I'm not an actress. I'm a MODEL'

"But wait,that doesn't explain that picture of Emma on the swing,wearing PONYTAILS now does it? Oh,so confusing! Someone please tell Emma that it takes more than a selfish attitude and a few extra applications of makeup that it takes more to act more mature and grown up."

"The sun has set in New York City and both kids are visibly exhausted. Emma takes out her chapstick and starts playing with it, while Rupert slumps lower in his chair."

"I sit here now and look over interviews; mind you she was twelve for all of these. Lets see, skirt, can’t be more than eight inches long, very non-covering and… hmm… v-neck shirt that would be considered inappropriate in my old middle school."

"When asked if they could have one magical power from the Hogwarts school, what would it be and why, Emma responds, “I think I’d make myself invisible so I can go into movies for over 15 [year olds]!”

"She does this freakish thing with her jaw once in a while that looks mannish. Another quirk, the eyebrows. Either Emma is constantly surprised or she had surgery. It’s option number one, an attempt to look better by raising the eyebrows, but it looks very ridiculous.
Back onto trying to be 18, Emma wears way too much bronzer. One interview where she wasn’t wearing bronzer she had way too much eye shadow and the wrong colored blush on her cheeks rather than along the cheekbones. She looked like a certain character from an ABC sitcom who’s famous line is “Pig!” Catch my drift? If not…. MI MI!"

" She stands in weird always attempting to pose positions in photographs. Look at a photo of her, if she’s not standing goofy footed then they caught her off guard. "

Proof of Stuffing
"I'm sure everyone has noticed the Disappering and Reappering Chest? There is no way that her chest could grow at that rate over the past two years or so."

"Oh my gosh- can she cake any more makeup on that face or stuff that bra any more?!? And yeah- she does stuff because you can't go from like an A to a C in a week!! (and then back to an A the next week!) lol"


'On the one picture you have of emma when she has the pink shirt on.... and then the one with the "SOOOO fasionable(**cough cough**)" blue sparkly shirt thing. you can SO tell she stuffs!!! i mean common!!! and i think in the one with her in the pink, she is showin off cause look how she is sitting!!!!! but really.... how old does she want to be? 15?????sheesh!!!! includng the one with the dress that she look likes she just did it with a cat with can tell then too!!! she looks smaller.......' from Jessica Z.

"I found a great site that has the photos listed in chronological order. It’s amazing to see that before the first film came out, she was pretty flat, before the second film… BAM! Yes that loveley BAM! Suddenly it hits and you cock your head to the side and go “Huh? They don’t grow that fast do they?” So you argue “Well they grow differently for everyone” ok, ok, I see your point. But I have one quick question teacher before we move on, how fast do they shrink? That’s right, they shrank. In a picture that was taken not more than a month later they were considerably smaller. That’s why schools encourage consistency Emma."

Proof she lies to Camera

'Oh I NEEEEEVER wear pigtails'

Perhaps when she said that her nickname was 'One take Watson' It meant the filming of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Nevertheless, Emma Watson hasn't always been making it in one take.
'...Neville came to me with his toad, Trevor, and says, "Do you want to kiss Trevor goodnight?" Every tiem he did this I burst into laughter. I was supposed to give him an "I hate you" look, but I couldn't help myself. It took me about eight takes to get it.'
8 takes for One-take Watson.

Proof she is not a Punk, which a loyal fan pointed out was the type of shirt she was wearing in one pic
She Plays with her hair. What kind of a punk does that?

She wears clothes with extra clevage.

Wears too much makeup

Has an additude

Complains too much, even about her fans' questions. "That’s the good thing about them! They all ask exactly the same questions and you can say exactly the same answers! You don’t have to think, you can just stand there like a broken record going LALALALA…"

"I know for a fact that Emma does NOT use the word "Ghetto". First, she ain't Gangsta. Gangsta iz me. She ain't Punk either. She's Prep. the word 'ghetteo' is 4 ppl like me " from Kristina Vi

"They walk past and go 'Wingardium Leviosa' for the billionth time that day, and I go aaagggghhhhhh!"
Somebody needs to teach her some anger management.

Emma: No. [on her friends] To start with they are girls. We like doing very different things; we don't fight Basilisks or anything like that. We just like to spend time talking and hanging out.
She doesn't have any friends that are boys? I have many.

Proof she is an Asian Wannabe (from Kristina Vi; thanks you rock!)

Her hairstyles.

And you see that logo? Proof.

The whole outfit is so totally Japanese and Chinese.
From Amy Minako

She is wearing an anime / manga (whichever it is) shirt
Again from Amy, Thanks :D

Proof she's not older than she possibly thinks she is

"I wasn't in any scenes with Dobby, but I thought he was really sweet and I'd like to take him home and sit him on the bed with the rest of my cuddly toys."

"I still believe in Santa Claus"

Honestly, she is HOW young and showing how much skin? It just disgusts me... I mean it is fine if you are in your later teens/ twenties if you wear those clothes and don't look trampy and actually look good. But quite frankly, Emma Watson CANNOT pull it off."

"She freaked out at the idea of having to kiss a co-star in the not immediate future saying, “That is NOT in my contract!” How mature Emma."

"Yeah, girl power!"
Girl power? That was soooo mid 70's/80's.

"Yes, I have read them all. My dad actually read them to me. I've only read them each one time but the third is my definitely my favorite because it's the most exciting with lots of new characters."
Her dad reads her a lot of books...

Proof Em is acting TOO old

"Azkaban is the puberty movie in the Potter franchise—the one," says Emma Watson “all those lovely, lovely hormones start coming out.”

Watson, who’s 13, has a sign on her dressing-room door that reads BEWARE: BABE INSIDE.
I'm 13 but you don't see a sign that says Beware: babe inside on my bedroom door.

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