Very Good Questions

I think the following speaks for itself.

What the -beep- were the casting office thinking when they hired Emma? (I dunno, but I think it involved Crack and something out of Mr. Watson's wallet)

What was Emma thinking when she said she had a good fashion sense?

From what side of the family did Emma get her chimpanzee laugh?

Who picks her clothes?!

What age does she think she is?

Why in the world do people PAY for sites for Emma?

Why are some people obsessed with Emma?

Why is it that Emma doesn't act her age? (From Kristina Vi)

Why is Emma now a Gangsta Wannabe? (from Kristina Vi)

Why is she a Gangsta Poser?! She's a prep! PS: I'm the REAL gangsta. Emma's just a poser! (from Kristina Vi)

"Why is that Emma has got any fans?Are they simply insane or they use to smoke weed all the time?" (From Izzy)

"Why does emma look stoned and drunk 3/4 of the time?" from Raye

"y does emma act older then wuts she is? thats my thing!!!!those dam english ppl(sry to the brits on here)" from Paige T.

(The following from Kelly :D)

1.) Does she get dressed in the dark?

2.) Why did she f*ck up Hermione's image?

3.) Why don't they just fire her?

4.) Ohhhh myyyy godddd, she can't honestly think she's pretty, can she?

5.) Does she try to be a slut, or does that just come naturally?

6.) What's in her shirt? Lemons, limes maybe?

7.) Now tell me, what size water bra do you think she wears?

8.) What the he^l is going through her mind?

9.) How many of the actors did she sleep with?

10.) When will she get over herself?

"Are you sure she isnt a guy?" from Raye666

"When was she ever NOT a virgin? 10? or lower?" from Anna

"Was she ever a virgin? probably never, she was never a virgin!" from Anna

"How many animals are killed to make all your ugly shoes, purses and dresses?" from charlotte

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