Emma's Role Models

Who do you think Emma looks up to?
The staff of Emma Haters Inc have a slight idea.

Britney Spears.

This is Britney Spear's Doll, Looks like a sort of weird barbie doesn't it?

Doll of Hermione. Wonder who much it costs?

Here she is (emma I mean) on Caroline Rhea. If you ever saw that show, then you'd know that they pull all kind of stunts and skits. Anyway, her doll looks sorta different from the one above, but still, its Hermioine.

Here is Britney spears, posing, in what looks like tight blue leather.

Britney Spears in concerts. I heard she lip syncs (not really singing but opening mouth appearing to be singing) but its just a rumor.

And after the Princess of Pop, The Queen of Fashion Disaster

Christina Aguleira

On a poster, appearing to be pointing...advertising I suppose.

Apparently in a...er..photo shoot.

Christina Aguleira in a short skirt.

Emma in a short skirt. Christina wears short skirts in photo shoots. Emma wears short skirts in interviews...

Christina...looking familiar...


Christina, apparently wearing almost nothing except a guitar which she never bothers to play.

In an awards ceremony. What did she do to her hair?!


Christina in Lady Marmalade.

Christina in Dirrty video...which I didn't like...

The person who decides Gwen Stefani's Wardrobe

I'm not really a big fan of no doubt.....not even a fan...


Naa...just kidding. Elmo's too cute lol, gotta have a sense of humor.

The Girls from 'Girls gone Wild'
I saw some clips of it, and I didn't like it one bit. The only people who would see that movie are plain perverted guys.

The people from 'Jacka*s, the Movie'
Didn't see the movie, but it was highly funny and stupid I heard.

J. Lo
Don't get me wrong though, Jennifer Lopez's a great singer.

In her Jenny from the Block video.

In an advertisement for her own brand of perfume stuff.

The Olsen Twins
I liked them when they were little kids. Of course, I was a little kid then too.

Mary Kate, or Ashley (can't tell whom is whom) on a magazine.

Emma on a magazine.

Kylie Monough

Kylie with a cigar. Some Rolemodel.

She had a song called 'Can't get you out of my head' which was highly annoying because it couldn't get out of my head...woops, there it goes...

1.) Herself and only herself, she's so self absorbed!

Wit Lots O've Luv,
~*Kelly*Poulin*~ but call me Kell


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