The Role Of Hermione

Do you think Emma deserved to get the Role of Hermione?
Express your thoughts whether Emma deserved the part and why or if someone else should play Hermione and who.

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I think Charlotte Church might be a better Hermione but what do I know?

Then again my friend Elizabeth might be a better Hermione. She's got the hair and she's obsessed with horses (at least its not cats)

I also think that Thoa (The asian gangsta) might be a better Hermione. I mean sure she's Chinese and might not look the part, But I'm pretty sure she can act (I think)

Hpan1f would make a good Hermione

No I wouldn't. Thanks for the compliment though.

Emma makes a good Hermione

I think Aggie could do the job...she's totally obsessed with studying,she likes cats,has got large theet,bushy hair AND knows how to act (gift that our friend Emma Watson hasn't got...)...
-^Silver Wings^

angie would make a nice hermione

i dont think charlotte church would she has a beautiful voice though but I just can't imagine her as hermione

Thoa might do ok if hermione was asian, drunk, swore all the time, and not too bright lol
-Gotta Comment

" I agree with Silver Wings...Aggie,though not british,american or whatever,speaks good english,has a perfect british accent,is completely obsessed with studying,has got large theets,likes cats ,doesn't like sports and,besides,she does know how to act. EMMA SUCKS! But I don't imagine Charlotte Church in the role of Hemrione.She's got an amazing voice ,but I don't think so..."
- Izzy

"my classmate lesly is perfect for the role! she has dark wavy hair and she's been in several school presentations...but what do I know?"

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