Emma's Shoes

Well, let's start off with a good one


NO NO! It looks like a horrible experiment gone wrong. And thats just the shoes.

Ooooh nooo. Gold pointy shoes? Looks like something stolen from the 7 dwarfs.

Looks like some old lady shoes.

Nice shoes. Unfortunately, it probably took the lives of many animals.

Oh no. No, let go of the boots.

I'll probably add more shoes later.

Comments/More Pictures:

Or if it doesn't work, email me here


"The boots on the last picture look hideous. " from annie

"Her self and shoes make me sick! yuk! blaaaaa...." from MLI.L

"I'll be able to think of the politically correct term for those awful boots once I'm done puking" from Hil

Second picture from the top: "It's kind of common sense NOT to wear black shoes with a white outfit!" from julie

Old Lady Shoes Pic:" Dan has his arm around her! Nooo! Why?? Why???!!!" from Julie

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