Emma's Shopping List

Note: This is not for real. The following list is an exaggerated list of what Emma would put on her shopping list.

My Shopping List By Em Watson

Oh god, I need to change this paper...not pink enough..And this pen...it could do with a bit of fluff....

Anyway, here is my shopping list of things that my butler is to buy for me.

1) Clothes...Of course.

2) Tissues

3) More Clothes. Oh come on, you can never have enough.

4) Kleenex. Is that the same as tissues? Oh well, we can..er...stock up

5) A new dress. Hey, Dan's Birthday is comming up. Gotta look my best.

6) A new outfit...It's for the premiere of..ugh...What's it called? Charlie's Angels. *Butler whispers something in her ear* What? It's over? Already?! Oh well, buy one for the sake of it.

7) Cleenex. Umm, yeah well I have a very big cold..

8) A present for Dan. I wonder what to get him...

9) Another outfit...Well of course, I always have to look my best.

10) Make-up. And tons of it.

11) Another Nail Polish kit.

12) Meow Mix. For my cats. *mutters in a quiet voice* And also to pelt the neighbor's dog with muwahahahaha.....

13) Tissues. Yes, another Box.

14) Make-up. I'm running out every second you know.

15) Pizza. But not from the Grocery. Get it from the Pizza Place. And tip The Dirty Blonde guy 20 Pounds.

16) Clothes. My Closet's not gonna restock itself you know!!!!

17) A new handbag.

18) Ooooh I want that new JLo Perfume.

19) And a fan. They use it in Japan or wherever. It's supposed to be a flirtation device.

20)..Umm..Oh yeah..More Kleenex. I TOLD YOU, I HAVE A COLD! *fake sneeze*

21) Foam-to stuff her chest with, of course (from nerina)

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