Made by Thoa.

Info about Thoa

Name: Thoa (Kristina)
Race: Chinese and Vietnamese
Hair: [Asian Culture] Red-Brownish-Orange-Gold
Eyes: Golden Brown
Height: About 5'4 or 5'5
Hobbies: Cosplay, sports, music, sleeping, video games, controversy, trouble, and anime.

You know you're turning into Thoa when...

You start to fight in school.

You start to be obsessed with your culture and NOT Thoa's!

You want to strangle Emma Watson for posing and acting your race

You beg your parents to move to Arlington Virginia where Thoa lives

You beg to go to Kenmore Middle School which is the school Thoa goes to

You want to be on the Step Team like Thoa

You want to learn how to Step like Thoa

You look through magazines and when you find a star or celebrity wering something from ur country, you scream "Poser! Wannabe!"

You start to like anime and video games like Thoa

You start to make trouble and fight in school like Thoa

You want to learn Martial Arts (Martial Arts came from Thoa's country)

You want to cosplay like Thoa

You want to star an Emma-Hater Site

You start to hang out with the boys

You hate the punks [Watch it Thoa, I have friends who are punk :D ~hpan1f]

You love the blacks and gangstaz

You start to listen to rap/hip-hop and your country's music more often

You love controversy

You start to hate School

You fight and wrestle boys and win

You start to love football when you really hate it

You want to go to places that Thoa's been

You want to ask Thoa where the "Ghetto" is (The Ghetto is hidden, but Thoa knows where it is!)

Yo, dis iz Thoa,

Some ya'll hate me, some ya'll don't. That's yo opinion. Haten' or Not,, I don't give a da&n. Ya'll wanna deal wit me and all dat S**T, Email me

"I am who I am. Nobody can change dat. Not even Emma "Wartson". Notice he initials are" E.W." Thanx. I Am DIFFERENT. I am not like any of the human being out there. Cuz I have a secret that none ya'll know. Nobody in the World knows but me. Everybody thinks they know EVERYTHING about me, but they are mistaken. NOT EVERYTHING. Nope.



"As much as I think that Emma does try to act older than she is and as funny as this site is to me I think that Thora (Kristina Vi) is just rude and has nothing better to do with her time than to diss a 13 year old or however how she is. I have one thing to say to her. GET A LIFE!!! And you might want to improve your english a bit since you say " ya" and "yo" and "nah" and other non english words." from Harry's gal


Or if it doesn't work, email me here

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