My Thoughts About Emma Fans

< I noticed that many Emma fans have thoughts about Emma haters. Most of them, if not all, have negative thoughts about us. They rant that we are jealous, fat, dumb, cruel, conceited, ugly freaks even when they haven't even seen the person.

Well, it's only fair to have thoughts about Emma fans. (Don't worry, its slightly nicer than the Emma Fan rants.)

First of all, I would not call any emma fan ugly or dumb or anything negative without knowing them. Notice this site is named Emma Haters Inc. So we only hate Emma fans (even if they hate us).

I believe that not all Emma Fans are the same. Just like not all Emma haters are the same.

Before the United States went into war, almost every citizen of Iraq or Afghanistan thought Americans were devils. You've probably seen the images and video clips where they burned US flags and held up 'Death to Bush' signs, right? Well, not all Americans are evil people. Most of them are quite nice and loving.

Just like us Emma haters. Some can be down-right nasty and others can be decent kind people. (I'm pretty cool and friendly if you got to know me.) You can't assume that we're jealous, dumb, ect. just of the way we feel.

Yeah, Yeah I know. We don't know Emma and we can't judge. But this site is mostly a joke used to relieve us of boredom. They say laughter is the Best Medicine. So whenever I'm not feeling my best, I could always get a good laught out of my site. I know Emma fans won't find it so funny though, but you should never really take it seriously around here.

We're just speaking out to the world of our opinion. I know that maybe a handful of people would say crackpot ol' fooey of some other reason why I take part in an anti site but its not true.

I once saw an Emma fan site that said 'If you hate emma, don't voice your opinions here (on the fan site), make your own website' and thats exactly what we did...or Anna did, I guess.

If you just are outraged by our site or can't find a funny thing about it, I ask you to keep the comments to yourself or send it to me in an email. The Emma Haters Inc tagboard ae for emma haters mostly. You could start your own emma fan site. It doesn't really matter to me that there are more Emma fans then Emma haters. We're not trying to urge you to become 'one of us'.

We really don't care how big this site gets, or how 'bad' the layout is, or how many Emma haters are out there in the world, or anything really, except our opinions.

It is really, that everything in this site is opinions, even if it is stated in a factorial sequence.

We're just ordinary normal people who just happen to dislike Emma Watson. Its not like we've been in jail, or got high on drugs, or have a humongous poster in our rooms with a bullseye on emma's face where we shoot targets. We're just ordinary people and like ordinary people, we have opinions.

Every person in the world can't all be liked. Its not like Emma's the only single thing that I hate in the world. I hate Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, my spanish teacher who you can't understand a single word he says because he speaks in spanish mumbles (Thank God I'm not taking Spanish Next year), and a ton of things more than Emma.

So why form an Emma hater site? Why not a anti Saddam or anti spanish teachers who-speak-in-mumbles site?

The answer is quite simple: There aren't one, or at least one I stumbled across yet. I don't really like creating my own site to start. (Too much html.) When I found this site, Anna's comments and reasons were so persuasive, it changed a vit of my view on Emma. (Oh and by the way, I doubt there would be an anti Bin Laden site in fear for him tracking you down and performing bloody murder. I wonder if he has the Internet, wherever he is now)

I'm not exactly so negative either. If I were to compose a list of things I love, It would be 50 times larger than the list of things I dislike.

Anyway, Emma fans don't have to stand up for her. We do get the point..(Well I do really). You are a fan of Emma's and your opinions/facts are very different from ours. We are all right and wrong in our own ways.

If she's a great person, rolemodel, ect. why waste your time defending her? I'm sure we all have better things to do.

So Emma fans please do keep to Emma fan sites and fan listings. Keep thoughts to your websites or To me. Hopefully, we can all live in a world of harmony and peace.

Please do accept this peace offering.

Co-Webmisstress Hpan1f


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