So. You want more updates?

Our Past Updates
Notes: The more recent are first.
All time are Eastern time US and Canada, which is Gmt-5 hours which means if you live close to Surrey England and it is 7:00 pm, it is 2:00 pm here. Time for a late lunch.

August 26th| 4:01 pm

Updated emma's makeup, what would you say to emma, very good questions, and quotable quotes.

August 23rd| 8:54 am

Updated a new section under emma.

August 23rd| 8:18 am

Updated Acting Reviews (again)

August 23rd| 8:04 am

Updated Quotable Quotes & Emma's Acting Reviews

August 23rd| 7:46 am

Updated acting reviews, door signs, what would you say to emma, emma's shoes, emma's nicknames, and a new section under Us.

August 23rd| 7:03 am

Thoa sent me a message and she wants everyone to see.

Hey, it's Thoa everyone. Listen, I can't come to EHI for a while cuz I'm very busy wit other sites.I know, it's been a long, long, long time since ya'll seen or heard of me. Some ya'll probably tink I'm in da penititary for trying to murder Emma Wartson. But no, just been sleeping all day and busy wit other sites. And people, if you got sometin' to say to mah (beep) face, email it to mah da^n face: (Thoa's Email) And I'll deal wit ya'll.

From a TRU Asian Gangsta,

August 20th| 5:56 pm

Majorly sorry guys

I switched computers so now all the things that I had saved were lost. (yes I typed 6 sections into Notepad and now there lost)

So if you sent me any email or typed in the little form thingy, please sent it again because I lost it.

Thanks again and I'm really really sorry,

August 12th| 4:20 pm

Do to an overload of homework from mean (and some nice) teachers, I can only update whenever I'm Lucky.

But don't worry, It'll take a while but eventually I'll be back on my feet after all these clubs and organizations I joined.

Anyway, Updated nicknames, why we hate emma, and emma's shoes.

August 10th| 10:13 pm

Updated emma's acting reviews and quotable quotes
August 7th| 1:50 pm

Sorry I haven't been updating much lately everyone.

Updated Why we hate emma and her acting reviews

August 5th| 10:40 pm

Yeah, I know its been a while since I updated.

I have been busy with school work and catching up with my sleep.

Updated Door Signs and Thoa's Section

August 3rd| 12:50 pm

Alas, the day as come...or It'll come tommorow

The Dreaded day of School. I will be on a one or two week break

Updated Door Signs


August 2nd| 5:26 pm

Updated Door Signs

August 2nd| 3:08 pm

Updated Emma's Acting Reviews, Emma's Door Signs, and The Staff Page

August 1st| 7:57 pm

Yay! Everyone, celebrate, because we are under Google UK. Well, not directly under Google UK, but if you type in the google box 'emma haters inc', you'll see it as the first link listed.

Updated Emma's Door Signs

August 1st| 1:36 pm

Updated a new section under Emma

August 1st| 1:24 pm

Welcome to the first day of August

Updated quotable quotes, nicknames, questions.

July 31st| 8:57 pm

Updated Hermione's Bio

July 31st| 2:00 pm

Congrats to our affilate Watson Haters for their new layout. Hope everything works out okay. Click on the site on our left sidepanel.

July 31st| 1:50 pm

If you head over to the Leaky you'll see some pictures of Hermione. It seems that Cuaron decided that the stars dress in their own clothing, which means that Hermione now wears a pair of hip jeans, rainbow belt, and a pink jacket...
How very wrong indeed....

In other news though, Eminem seems to be a Harry Potter fan.

That cheers me up..slightly.

Well that's it for the update, I now have 3 days left until school starts :'(


July 31st| 1:48 pm

Happy Birthday to J.K. Rowling

Updated Quotable Quotes and Emma's Future

July 30th| 8:28 pm

Updated Quotable Quotes (again) and Emma's Future

July 30th| 5:31 pm

Updated Quotable Quotes & Very Good Questions.

Hey Anna =D

I am also imformed that Thoa has been banned from Angelfire, for some reason..:'(

July 29th| 9:33 pm

Updated Hairstyles & Em's Future.
I should really make another entry in Emma's Diary...Oh well, I'll tackle it next week.

I also have my own personal online Diary if anyone wants to check it out

Currently working in a gallery that will be up soon, if you have any images for us please send them =). anna July 27th| 1:52 pm

Breaking News

Thanks to Megan who imformed me of the article.
From Msnbc News
“Azkaban” is the puberty movie in the Potter franchise—the one, says Emma Watson, who plays Hermione, in which “all those lovely, lovely hormones start coming out.”

Watson, who’s 13, has a sign on her dressing-room door that reads BEWARE: BABE INSIDE.

If you are an anti fan, you'll feel what I feel now, which is disgusted.

I turned 13 exactly 10 days ago but you don't see a 'BEWARE: BABE INSIDE' sign on my bedroom door (however it says: 'THE ALL AMERICAN REJECTS ROCK!' on it)

It also shows 2 pictures, one with dan holding her hand and the other with cauron and emma.

That's it for todays breaking news.
Hope you're not as disgusted as I am.

July 26th| 7:11 pm

Piece of Interesting News

From Ananova
Children looking for Harry Potter and dinosaurs at a kindergarten in Oslo found a human skull in their playground.

The kindergarten is built on the site of a former churchyard, part of which remains close to the entrance of a church.

They still didn't mention if they found the book...

July 26th| 7:00 pm

And my best friend is not feeling her best so I will help her get through her sadness

And of course, that means- Another Break. Yeah I know, I'm Sorry

July 26th| 6:57 pm

I'll be quite busy tommorow so I made one heck of an update:

shopping list,
em's acting reviews,
em's diary,
dan reasons,
quotable quotes,
quote of the week,
poll results,
changed poll of the week,
and faq.


July 25th| 7:12 pm

Updated Emma's Diary

July 25th| 4:00 pm

Updated Very Good Questions (again)

July 25th| 1:03 pm

Welcome to our new layout :D

Hope ya'll enjoy it

July 25th| 12:37 pm

Updated qq, nicknames, very good questions

July 22nd| 6:51 pm

Happy Early Birthday to Daniel Radcliffe

Harry potter made #154 on VH1 200 greatest icons list.

And Saddam Hussein's Sons Are dead. Isn't that nice?

July 20th| 2:04 pm

I have decided to go on a break. A oh-no-school-is-comming-in-2-weeks kinda break :)
Don't worry, I'll still check emails and revisit once in a while.
I guess that means I'm on Hiatus, but I only half own this site so I guess the site is half Hiatus.
July 19th| 4:55 pm

Updated A new section under Emma

July 19th| 4:11 pm

Updated Quotable Quote of the Week and I'm working on the Poll.

July 19th| 1:41 pm

Todays News

If you head over to, You'd see that the Harry Potter stars wished Happy birthday to nickelodeon.

Emma Watson herself wrote it on pink paper with balloon and music notes on it.
She also has 'Sorry I can't sing to you' and 'Rock on'

And if you look at Ruperts, you'll see, he draws good..(not sarcastic mind you)

And Harry's one of the 200 Pop culture Icons on VH1..
I wonder where's Avril...

Oh well,
That's it for today's news,
More updates later,
EHI correspondent,
July 18th| 10:02 pm

Friday Already? Thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday.

Updated a Forum, please join in :D
July 17th| 6:28 pm

Updated Thoa's Section

July 17th| 1:03 pm

Happy Birthday To me :D

July 16th| 9:45 pm

Yeah I know, its a few hours til my birthday, but I updated ems acting reviews, proof, who is better, and wierd
July 15th| 1:12 pm

Updated a new section under us
July 13th| 7:46 pm

Updated Quotable Quotes

July 13th| 12:52 pm

Updated a new affiliate.

Amazing site :D

July 12th| 7:16 pm

Updated Quotable Quotes and a new poll

I'm gonna be busy all this week since my birthday is near so I can't update as much
July 11th| 9:25 pm

Updated diary, nicknames, what would you say to emma, and emma's future

July 11th| 7:04 pm

Updated hairstyles

July 11th| 6:30 pm

Updated Faq. Did I mention? We got a turtle 2 days ago.

July 10th| 12:36 pm

Today's news

Someone's house is on fire
Yahoo News Reports
A woman has set her Madrid home on fire while cooking up a potion in an attempt to imitate the fictional wizard Harry Potter

For want of more magical ingredients, the woman cooked up a potion of water, oil, alcohol and toothpaste, local media reported on Wednesday. It was unclear what spell she was trying to weave.

A potion of stupidity I believe.

Privet Drive for sale
ABC news Reports
With fans gripped by the fifth book in JK Rowling's series, the owner of No 4 Privet Drive - in reality No 12 Picket Post Close - is putting the house up for auction with a price guide of 250,000 pounds ($A614,000).

Too much for me

Harry Potter....ballet
From BBC news
A Harry Potter story is being turned into a ballet - after a teacher won the backing of movie giants Warner Brothers.

Great. A 3 hour long ballet.

Today's Interesting Fact
Britany Spears admitted to have sex with Justin Timberlake and plans on getting it on with Irish actor Colin Farral. No surprises to me.

Well That's it for todays news.
This is EHI correspondent Hpan1f, who just got back from break
Good Afternoon

July 10th| 12:30 pm

Yes I'm back from break

Updated Quotable Quotes

July 7th| 1:10 pm

Updated a New Section under Us
July 6th| 6:44 pm

Yep, I'm still on break, so I can't do like Major updates to this site just yet. When I'm off break, I dunno. Perhaps, some time next week.

Updated A new Affiliate. It's great even though its still on Contruction.

July 5th| 9:59 pm

And Made changes to the New Poll Of the Week

July 5th| 9:50 pm

Updated Quote of the Week

July 4th| 1:23 pm

For those of you in the U.S.
Happy Independence Day!

I'll be on break for the most of the day.


July 2nd| 12:45 pm

Updated 'What would you say to Emma' section
July 1st| 7:48 pm

Updated Emma's Diary

July 1st| 7:15 pm

Well make that 2.

July 1st| 7:04 pm

There's this film thats been out a long time ago. It's called "Alex and Emma". Kinda sounds familiar since Alex is the name of Emma's brother. But it sounds like a romantic commedy...I'm not really into those. But its starring Luke Wilson and Kate Hudson if ya wanna see it.

Made a new section under Emma

June 30th| 7:24 pm

Updated Quotable Quotes and Emma's acting reviews and Proof

June 30th| 6:26 pm

I decided to put the Anti Fan section on probabation...just until some people know when to stay in their own territory....

June 30th| 2:22 pm

Last day of june if I'm not mistaken.

Updated FAQ and Anti Fan section.

A little piece of information for your day:
My friend, Thoa (kristina Vi) hates Emma more than President Bush and Osama bin laden.
Nice opinion Thoa, although I beg to differ.
I dont dislike Bush although I don't love his ideas entirely either.
But I do dislike Osama more than I dislike Emma. I mean he was the one who killed all those poor innocent people...
Send me your ideas and thoughts To me

June 29th| 10:06 pm

I just checked EWH and it seems like they closed down....:'(

Well, Bestest Luck Danielle! :)

June 28th| 9:04 pm

As done more than 30 minutes later

June 28th| 8:28 pm

Updated Poll results.
Now I'm off to change the quote of the week and a new poll

June 28th| 8:08 pm

Updated every single link on this that took a long time...Takin' a break

June 28th| 1:27 pm

OH yes, did I mention, I finished the 5th book yesterday....quite long but well worth it...
Best Harry Potter book ever so far :D

June 24th| 8:09 pm

I, aka Hpan1f aka May,
Will be busy during the next few days, mainly because my mom bought me the 5th book yesterday :D
See ya when I finish


June 24th| 11:15 am

Updated the enter page.

and also updated a new section under us

June 23rd| 9:43 pm

Updated Emma's Nicknames

Working on a new section

June 22nd| 12:04 pm

And the winner of our Contest is...Well, click the link
June 21st| 6:20 pm

Updated stuff in our Sidebar
June 20th| 12:47 pm

Updated a new section under Emma called Emma's Mistakes

June 20th| 12:01 pm

Updated Emma's Nicknames

June 19th| 12:08 pm

This just in

J.K. Suing Daily news
Author J.K. Rowling sued the Daily News for $100 million Wednesday after the newspaper obtained an early copy of her new Harry Potter novel and published a preview, the book’s U.S. publisher said. The News published details of “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” after buying a copy from a Brooklyn health food store that had mistakenly put the book out for sale before its Saturday release.

Well give her a break people, she just wrote a 800-something page book and is taking care of a baby. I don't think she enjoys this as much as you do.

June 19th| 11:43 am

Oh yes, just a reminder, that Our Contest is due June 21st...Little time left if you still want to join.

But I think I have the winner, but you can never be sure.

June 18th| 6:47 pm

Today's News

From Yahoo news
A new look on the spine of the Hp book, which is due out in 2 days..Whoo hooo!

Major Spoiler

From Mugglenet
Description of the back of the book + inside flap
Here's a vague description from a reliable source who has had a chance to look at it:
[highlight to read]
The back of the book has the three faces from the promotional stickers, but it shows their bodies, and he ("Fred") says it looks like Moody is holding a door open, and there are two other doors. Someone is standing in one of the other two doors, and "Fred" speculates that it's either Snape or Voldemort.

Oh no

From Digicasey
Movie magazine, featuring a picture of emma, with once again, changed hair....*shakes head* When will those hair designers get the picture? HERMIONE SHOULDN'T CHANGE HER FRICKIN HAIR EVERY MOVIE!!
Sorry, but I just don't want to picture Hermione as I picture emma.

June 18th| 11:15 am

Updated Emma's Diary
June 17th| 1:13 pm

I have decided to take a one week break, due to the fact that I want to enjoy the begining of summer instead of hiding out on my computer being pale.

I will still answer emails though, so Email me
I will update when I have time.
Other wise,
Have a good summer,

June 16th| 9:34 pm

Updated another new section called Emma's Younger Brother

June 16th| 9:18 pm

Updated a new section called Emma's Acting Reviews under Emma

June 16th| 12:08 pm

Updated Anti Fan Section

June 16th| 12:02 pm

Deleted Emma Fan section since Emma fans didn't email me ANY ideas. Sorry!
And EWH is on Hiatus. Don't worry, they'll be back soon...hopefully.

June 15th| 6:06 pm

Happy Father's Day everyone. I bought my dad a pair of pajamas...Lol bet he's happy, nah I'm just kidding.(But he is happy)

This just in, well not right now, a while ago, I was just too lazy to put it on
Rumors Untrue
BBC reports:
Daniel Radcliffe is NOT desperate to quit the Potter movies. insider at Warner Brothers told Newsround there was "no truth whatsoever" in these rumours.

Everyone close to Dan is pretty convinced that he will stay on to do the fourth movie, the Goblet of Fire, the insider said. Interesting....


June 14th| 6:38 pm

Updated the EWH link since apparently it didn't work

June 14th| 4:40 pm

Updated FAQ and Quotable Quotes.

June 14th| 4:04 pm

Moving stuff around so it might look funky around here. Just ignore it.

June 14th| 11:17 am

This just in
Quitting Harry Potter
According to the leaky,
HARRY Potter star Daniel Radcliffe has revealed he will never again play the schoolboy wizard.

The 13-year-old actor said he wants to concentrate on his GCSE studies.

Daniel's decision means he will not be involved with the fourth film of the series.

He is currently filming the third Potter movie - called The Prisoner of Azkaban.

Daniel has told friends he is concerned that his education may suffer because of his acting work.

And Warners, who produce the films based on JK Rowling's books, have been prepared for some time the youngster's exit.

Several possible replacements have already been given auditions.

Daniel's departure casts doubt on the future of the other Potter stars Rupert Grint and Emma Watson, who play Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

Sources say Warners may be forced to sweep the board with the next cast list - and ditch both actors.

Daniel earns an estimated £2 million from each of the Potter films.

Last year he was enrolled at the private City of London School, one of Britain's best.

Daniel plans to go to university after

The actor's mother, casting agent Marcia Gresham, told the Daily Mail her son had yet to reach a final decision.

But a schoolfriend said: "He wants to call it a day - and he's making no secret about it."
Now if only Emma would think the same.

June 14th| 11:00 am

Updated a new poll.

Last Results.
Q:Do you think that Emma was Drinking?
Out of 738 votes
4th place with 2 votes: no comment
3rd place with 7 votes: I don't know
2nd place with 204 votes: Yes
1st place with 525 votes: No

June 14th| 10:43 am

Tommorow's Father's Day. Must get a last minute present for dad.

Updated Quotable Quotes and Emma Fan section

June 14th| 10:31 am

Good Mornin! I'm watching Vh1 as Swing Swing by the all american rejects were #12 on top 20. Not bad.
Updated The Role of Hermione.

June 13th| 7:22 pm

Updated a new section under Hermione

June 13th| 7:01 pm

updated staff page

June 13th| 6:58 pm

Whew finally finished.

Updated Anti Fan Section.
Be off on a short break.

June 13th| 9:05 am

Shapeshiping some stuff around here so don't mind if it's a bit odd.

June 12th| 2:42 pm

By the way, did anyone see Jay Leno last night? The all american rejects were performing (and just in case ya'll didn't know, they're my favourite band)

Today's News

Katie Couric
According to The Leaky
Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling is interviewed by Katie Couric.
Here is the info:
9:00 PM
Friday, 20
Dateline NBC
60 min.
Must tune in to watch that.

Wrong Hermione?!
According to BBC
Teen singer Charlotte Church has said she came close to getting the part of Hermione in the Harry Potter movies.
"Eventually they decided I was too old," she explained."I was 13 at the time, and they needed someone about 11, it was so sad".

I like this article because it compares the two pictures of Charlotte and Emma.
(If you ask me, I would pick Charlotte over Emma)

Well that's it for today's news.
This is EHI correspondent Hpan1f.
Good afternoon.

June 12th| 2:25 pm

Only fair to put a Emma Fan section under 'Us'

June 12th| 12:40 pm

Wow almost same time yesterday.
Anyway updated Emma's Nicknames, and added a new section called 'Anti Fan' Section under 'us'

June 11th| 12:46 pm

Updated a new button in our Affilates and Quotable Quotes with a nice Quote from Joanna
June 10th| 3:27 pm

Updated a new enter page
June 9th| 7:00 pm

Updated Quotable Quotes while listening to 'Bring me to Life' by Evanescence. Great song by the way

June 9th| 6:57 pm

Updated FAQ

June 9th| 6:51 pm

Updated 2 links on our Affilate list

June 9th| 6:44 pm

Hey guys! I'm back from my 2 day break and I'll be updating soon!

June 7th| 4:38 pm

Still not done without updating Poll Results.
I think this is it for today.

June 7th| 4:30 pm

Before I go, I updated a new poll:
Do you think Emma was drinking?

Anyway, we got our tag board back, but NO vulgar language.
Have fun when I'm gone

June 7th| 4:30 pm

Before I go, I updated a new poll:
Do you think Emma was drinking?
June 7th| 4:09 pm

Dear People,
I will be gone until further notice and I suppose Anna or Thoa or someone from the EHI staff should take over for me.

June 6th| 6:10 pm

Updated Quotable Quotes
June 5th| 10:32 am

Updated Emma's Diary

June 5th| 10:08 am

Updated Quotable Quotes.

June 5th| 9:13 am

Ah! good morning. Updated Hairstyles and Dan Reasons

June 4th| 9:00 pm

Sorry to be so cruel but I Decided to take Brittney off the staff since she lost interest and told me to 'get over it' and wasn't helping either.
Sorry Brittney!

June 4th| 8:45 pm

Updated A new affiliate

June 4th| 8:38 pm

Updated a new section Called More Updates. Scroll down to the bottom to see it

June 4th| 8:11 pm

Updated Q.Q with a quote from Thoa.

June 4th| 6:21 pm

Updated Quotable Quotes again

June 4th| 1:40 pm

Updated Quotable Quotes about Emma's Supposed-but-not-comfirmed-yet Drinking

June 4th| 1:31 pm

Today's News

Too Rainy
It's looking likely the next Harry Potter flicks won't be filmed in the Scottish Highlands because of the weather and midges.
Three weeks of heavy rain has made the ground of the set, built on a mountainside, so slippery it's dangerous to use parts of it.
Dan, Rupert, Emma and Hagrid were to be taken up there by a special mountain car, but it's too wet even for that.

Well it's only been raining 3 days here in eastern USA. Feel sorry for the other side of the world.

Still Growing?!
Potter star Dan Radcliffe has apparently grown a whopping eight and a half inches since he filmed Philosopher's Stone. Magic, or just being a teenager?

Emma Watson...DRINKING?!
Acording to the Leaky,
Emma Watson at a party where underage alcohol is being served
"The man with the 12 year old daughter never said that the girl was drunk. He said: "She was clearly over-excited when we collected her from the party, and as we walked back to the car I realised she was staggering. My first concern was that someone had given her illegal drugs."

There has been a lot of comments on this. Any comments whether Emma was drinking and getting high or not should be sent here
I'm going to be 13 in July and I have no desire to drink or use drugs whatsoever.
Well, that's it for today's news.
This is EHI Correspondent Hpan1f
Good Afternoon.

June 3rd| 11:20 pm

Updated A new Affiliate.
Anti Emma Watson is a Great Site. Go Check it out now :D

June 3rd| 7:50 pm

Also updated a new entry in Emma's Diary

June 3rd| 7:17 pm

Updated Emma's Diary with a shiny new background

June 2nd| 6:50 pm

Updated FAQ

June 2nd| 1:22 pm

Updated a Section called Emma's Diary, which is a bit different from EWH's diary. Great minds think alike.

Also updated Dan Reasons and Emma's Hairstyles.

June 1st| 7:01 pm

Wow! I'm so speechless and no I am not sarcastic.
I like summer breeze or Blast or Sunset.
Well, I guess whichever Anna likes best will be our new background

June 1st| 2:38 pm

Hi there, this is Anna =). I know I haven't been on for like... ages. Yes I'm oh so irresponsible, and all this time Hpan1f had to work by herself, she's the greatest!! All hail Hpan1f!! I really don't deserve such a good friend and co worker ='(. The same goes to Thoa! You Rock!! I wuv you guys, sniff snif anyways! I just went through a weird stage in my life, someday I'll tell you about it, plus, I was sick of html and english, I just rested for a while. I'm also sick of this pink layout =p I want to change it NOW.I checked some cool layouts out at, however, I would like Hpan1f to choose it =) since I chose this horrid one. And that's all folks. Anna June 1st| 1:26 pm

Updated FAQ

June 1st| 1:01 pm

1st day of June!
Anyway, I updated Quotable Quotes.

May 31st| 6:33 pm

Updated Quote of the Week

May 31st| 1:42 pm

Q: Does Emma Stuff?
Out of 890 votes:
4th place: What is the meaning of Stuff with no votes
3rd place: No comment, with 2 votes.
2nd place: Yes, with 18 votes
1st place: Yes, with 870 votes

May 31st| 1:24 pm

Took off our Guestbook. Maybe We really need our tag back.

May 31st| 1:16 pm

Last day of May!
You can enter our site by typing in: since our old one didn't work.

May 30th| 6:56 pm

Updated a new affiliate called Disgusting Emma
Great site, check it out

May 29th| 1:38 pm

Updated Why We hate Emma
May 28th| 4:42 pm

Updated Quiz Results

May 28th| 4:31 pm

I decided to take some stuff off our sidebar...

May 28th| 11:36 am

Today's News

It's Harry wait..its The Exorcist?

From Empire Online
Five-year old Jessica Daley was sat in front of the TV by her father John who'd just bought his daughter the DVD of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Little did he know that due to a labelling mix-up, the DVD inside was actually a copy of The Exorcist – regularly voted the scariest film of all time.

According to The Sun, Jessica managed to watch five minutes of satanic possession before she told her father, 'It's scaring me.' As the idle chap was sat in the bath, he sent Jessica's 11-year-old sister in to sit with her before she came to him saying that the film definitely wasn't Harry Potter.

'There must have been a mix-up — either that or someone there was having a laugh. But I don’t think it was funny.'

Neither do I. Poor Jessica.

Lockhart Married

From BBC News
Actor Kenneth Branagh has married his girlfriend Lindsay Brunnock in a secret ceremony. The star confirmed he tied the knot at the weekend and is now enjoying his honeymoon at an undisclosed location.

Branagh, 42, was previously married to fellow actor Emma Thompson but they split in 1996.

Don't they make such a cute couple?! Oh, well you have to see the picture to see.

New Pictures of Cast on POA Set.
From The Snitch
Oh...look at Emma's Hair. She changed it again....Must put this under hair styles.

Hagrid's Hut
From Digi
Nice pictures.

Recycled paper?
From Sierra Club
By printing the initial run of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix -- all 900,000 copies -- on recycled paper, Raincoast will spare nearly 30,000 trees, (a forest area larger than New York's Cental Park), while also saving huge quantities of water and electricity.

Now That's smart thinking. Greetings Canadians!

Daniel Radcliffe. Model?
From Snitchseeker
A friend at school has a Father who works for the Calvin Klein industry in modeling. He choses all of the models to be used in shots to promote their clothing. Apparently, Daniel Radcliffe was on the list to become a "Trousers" model in London. Radcliffe is either going to be chosen to promote Underwear or Trousers. It has not been confirmed whether he shall go through or not yet, so fingers crossed for him!

I really mean this, Bri and the rest of the peoples out there. I do Not want to see him in his underwear...or trousers, which it is called overseas.

Well, that's it for today's news.
This is EHI correspondent Hpan1f.

Good morning. Or afternoon. Or night.

May 28th| 11:11 am

Updated Link our site and Quotable Quotes

May 27th| 6:14 pm

Updated 'A message to all of ya'll' and 'Our Buttons'

May 27th| 10:53 am

Updated Proof and Dan Reasons

May 27th| 9:55 am

Do you or someone you know have what it takes to be the Ultimate Emma Watson Disliker?
We now have a new contest on Emma Haters Inc and you can find the rules and regulations under the section 'Our contest', which is located in the Us Section.

May 26th| 11:15 am

Yay! my dog is found on our doorstep this morning. He must of been digging through trash cans because he came back really really fat.

Oh well, guess I didn't need that break after all.

Updated You know you've spot an emma fan...


May 25th| 4:29 pm

I have decided to take a 2 week break because my dog is missing and he is assumed dead.
So, I know this is the wrong time, but
Happy Birthday Thoa (Kristina). The Asian gangsta. The one who inspired many emma haters to start hater sites of emma
Sorry that I had to put it earlier, since her birthday is exactly 5:05 pm and its 30 minutes early but...
Anyway, See ya in 2 weeks

May 25th| 4:22 pm

Today's News

It's official

Warner Bros. has set a June 4, 2004 release date for the third installment Harry Potter!

May 25th| 11:52 am

Updated Emma's Bio

May 25th| 9:43 am

Updated a new section under Lists and Reasons called Who is better?

May 25th| 9:28 am

Added a new section under Emma called Emma's Shoes

May 25th| 9:17 am

Updated how Emma Got the part.

May 25th| 9:02 am

Good Morning!

Anyway, I updated Emma's Bio

May 24th| 9:38 pm

Updated a new section under Emma

May 24th| 9:00 pm

Updated Dan Reasons, Proof, and Weird

May 24th| 8:35 pm

Updated Emma's Body Guard.

May 24th| 5:12 pm

Updated a new section called Hermione's Bio under Herm, which is short for Hermione

May 24th| 4:55 pm

I updated Staff Page

May 24th| 4:37 pm

Updated Credits under us

May 24th| 4:18 pm

Updated a new section under us.

May 24th| 3:36 pm

Updated Emma's Rolemodels and Proof

May 24th| 3:28 pm

Updated Emma's Bio

May 24th| 3:21 pm

Updated Emma's Nicknames

May 24th| 3:15 pm

New section under Us, called quiz results

May 24th| 3:14 pm

Updated Motto and Quote of the Week

May 24th| 2:44 pm

Poll Results:
Question: What do you think of Emma Watson?
5th place, with one vote: Who's Emma Watson?
4th place, with three votes: She's Ok.
3rd place, with 37 votes: She's Annoying.
2nd place, with 247 votes: She's a Beast.
And 1st place, with 1025 votes: She's the Greatest.
Well, that's the results out of 1313 total votes.

Next poll.
Do you think Emma Watson stuffs? Happy Voting!

May 23rd| 6:45 pm

Updated FAQ

May 23rd| 5:16 pm

Updated Quotable Quotes

May 23rd| 5:12 pm

Updated Emma's Bodyguard under Emma

May 23rd| 4:57 pm

From Snitchseeker.
As work begins on the third Harry Potter film, the rumour is that Emma Watson is preparing to enrol at her very own Hogwarts.

Emma was recently spotted with her parents paying a visit to Rugby School.

If she passes her entrance exams, Emma is expected to enter the F-Block at Rugby in September.

"The boys and girls here have been highly excited since word got out about the Watsons' visit," says my man in the SCR. "She looked round both Bradley and Rupert Brooke, which are two of our bigger girls boarding houses, and seemed to be a very pleasant girl indeed."

Nothing has been settled yet, as her parents are also considering Headington, a girls' day school in Oxford.

So glad that it isn't my school.

Anyway, if you want to download any songs, I suggest 'Miss Independence' from Kelly Clarkson.

May 23rd| 4:36 pm

Yay! Last day of school! With my school anyway.

Might as well update
Today's News

One lucky dog
Thanks to the Leaky cauldron
According to today's Daily Star & Daily Express papers, Hagrid actor Robbie Coltrane has settled in nicely with the 12-stone neopolitan mastiff named Luigi, playing the role of Fang.

Daily Star Luigi, a 12-stone Neapolitan mastiff, has finally taken the lead role alongside Coltrane after playing back-up in Harry Potter, The Prisoner of Azkaban.Trainer Julie Tottman, 32, is on location in Glencoe with Luigi, who munches his way through £10 of chicken, tripe and steak every day.

She said: "He's already done his first scenes and is a natural. Luigi is Hagrid's new dog and the two are getting on very well on set. Luigi did everything the director wanted."

Animal trainer Julie Tottman, 32, gave the £1,000 hound a home and job after its owner took ill. He already played back-up in the second Potter film and this is his first time as lead dog.

A second mastiff named Hugo has retired as Hagrid's pet, with a third, Bella on the sidelines.

Julie, who runs Herefordshire-based Birds and Animals, said: "This breed is very strong willed and don't make good family pets, but they can be very loving."

Animals are all over the Harry Potter set, including a fox, raven, snowy owls and budgies. A Warner Brothers spokesman said: "Two other stand-in mastiffs were also rescued, one as the result of a divorce, the other because of bad treatment".

*shakes head* Animal Cruelty...

Add to this a host of other worries for Harry…

• A Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher with a personality like poisoned honey
• A venomous, disgruntled house-elf
• Ron as keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch team
• And of course, what every student dreads: end-of-term Ordinary Wizarding Level exams
…and you’d know what Harry faces during the day. But at night it’s even worse, because then he dreams of a single door in a silent corridor. And this door is somehow more terrifying than every other nightmare combined. From Scholastic


US contest
You'll find a ghetto lookin' contest right here
Oh did I mention, it's an Essay contest.

OotP Surpasses 500,000 Pre-Orders on
500,000. Wicked. Find It here

New Dumbledore
A look of The New Dumbledore

They look awfully alike...but only the eyes.

It's Official!
There's No Cho Chang

No love for Harry until Goblet of Fire. :( Oh well

Anyway, that's probably not it for today.
This is EHI correspondent Hpan1f.

Good Afternoon.

May 22nd| 4:51 pm

Updated a new poll quote.
Speaking of poll, 'Emma is the Greatest' vote is still staying strong.

May 22nd| 4:44 pm

Was Raining yesterday, couldn't update.
But anyway, we have a new quiz, under us.

May 20th| 11:11 pm

Turns out that Emma Watson is The Greatest, as seen in our poll; but don't let that get ahead

Remember you can still vote; as many times as ya'll want.

105 votes wow.

May 20th| 10:58 pm

Had a semi-sunburnt today. Been out in the Sun too long.
Which probably explains why I'm out of focus.
See ya'll tommorow.

May 19th| 10:59 pm

Updated our Staff section; Taken quiz on EWH; great quiz.

May 19th| 8:31 pm

Updated Weird pics of Emma

May 19th| 8:27 pm

Updated Emma's Hairstyles

May 19th| 8:23 pm

Poll Update:
'Emma is a Beast' and 'Emma is Annoying' is now tied. Remember, you can vote more than once, so Get ur mousepads ready!

May 19th| 8:16 pm

Updated a new section under Emma called..well, shouldn't you see what it is called?

May 19th| 6:29 pm

Updated Proof Section

May 19th| 6:24 pm

Updated Quotable Quotes again

May 19th| 6:16 pm

Updated my Why I hate Emma section

May 19th| 5:55 pm

Updated Quotable Quotes

May 19th| 5:36 pm

This site will be copyrighted soon; I hope. Anyway, the link has a picture of Avril's eyes since I'm not really a fan of Gwen Stefani.

May 18th| 8:54 pm

Updated Quotable Quotes

May 18th| 8:50 pm

Updated our poll. Seems like the first one 'Emma is a Beast' is winning so far

May 18th| 12:10 pm

Also added Our feedback since most of ya'll want to say something to me

May 18th| 11:53 am

I decided to add a guestbook, since I can actually delete the rude posts! :D Emma Fans and Anti-Fans are allowed!

May 18th| 11:28 am

And please click on the Pass it on under the Poll so you can imform all of your friends about this site!

May 17th| 10:29 pm

I made a poll

May 17th| 9:48 pm

I decided to update our ads to make it more interesting looking with a running dog.
You have to admit, it does look cute.

May 17th| 8:10 pm

Updated Quote of the Week

May 17th| 8:05 pm

Updated How Emma Got the Part under Emma

May 17th| 6:29 pm

Updated Quotable Quotes

May 17th| 6:17 pm

Updated Proof

May 17th| 5:47 pm

Updated 'The difference between Emma and Hermione', our first section under 'Hermione'

May 17th| 11:59 am

Updated Proof with a Very interesting Quote from Jessica Z.

May 17th| 11:43 am

Updated Very good Questions

May 17th| 11:28 am

Havent updated News in a long time, let's do that right now.

Todays News

Info on the 5th Book

It weighs almost a kilogramme. At 255,000 words, it is 64,000 words longer than the last volume in the series. It is called Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and that is all that anyone, even the staff at Bloomsbury publishers, knows about it.

Anyone, that is, apart from the mysterious dog walker who in the first week of May apparently found two proof copies dumped in a field near Bungay in Suffolk, where the printing company of Clay is already churning out a reported 2m copies of J.K. Rowling's latest, the fifth Harry Potter adventure in a projec ted series of seven. The dog walker called the Sun newspaper, which then modestly told us all how they had called Bloomsbury and given back the copies, so as not to spoil the party. Four people were charged, but no one was any the wiser.

However, given the stifling security vacuum that surrounds the publication, no one could be blamed for whipping up a little fun in advance of the great event. For it is not until one m inute after midnight on June 21 that those 2m kilogrammes of Potter will be revealed to an eager British public. It is alleged that any bookshop tempted to break this embargo is threatened with the ultimate penalty: no more H.P. stock would ever pass their accursed portals.

In New York, and other cities where bookshops stay open around the clock, the biggest problem will be holding back the crowds baying to get their hands on the 6.5m US copy print run. In Britain, where opening hours are still more conventional, the big chains are making special arrangements to open on the midnight hour, when children as young as six are expected to join the huge queues, with their £16.99 in their hot little hands. Most of the 93 Ottaka r's branches will provide juice, tea and wizard cakes to sustain the waiting muggles, and staff in full costume will provide the carnival atmosphere - while tapping the tills as fast as their fingers can move. It is a national party - with, at Canary Wharf, real live o wls.

Has there ever been anything like it? Never on this scale. Bookshops in Britain have occasionally opened their doors at midnight - recently for Thomas Harris's Hannibal, and for Madon na. There was the time when the whole of Fleet Street was blocked from end to end with booksellers' messengers, clamouring for the copies that were being hurled down from John Murray's first-floor windows, since the press of people was too great to allow the doors to op en. But that was in 1812, and the book was Byron's Childe Harold. Move the clock on 150 years, and the same company, at its grander premises in Albemarle Street, had to hold back the queue at the door on the publication day of . . . John Betjeman's Collected Poems. Poems? How things have changed.

POA filming

The Herald reports:
THE weather was wizard in Glencoe yesterday on the first day of outdoor filming for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the third in the phenomenally successful series.

After three days of enforced filming inside Fort William auction market complex because of rain, the 300-strong cast and crew of the Warner Brothers company were finally able to emerge into the sunshine and start the cameras rolling on vital exterior sequences surrounding Hagrid's Hut and Hogwarts Castle.

Even Hedwig, Harry's pet owl, got to stretch her wings. In fact, she is a he who had flown up specially from London to play his first major role and, as a principal character, he had just enjoyed a lunch of frozen mouse, brought in from Lanarkshire.

David Heyman, the producer, was also happy. "This place is just beautiful," he said. "The scale, the majesty and the wildness of this part of Scotland is perfect for preserving the magical feel of Harry Potter."

As the cameras rolled, Hagrid's hut nestled snugly on the southern slopes of the mighty Aonach Eagach ridge, its stone chimney billowing wood smoke across the grassy glen and out towards the copse of Scots pines that has become the Forbidden Forest. A voice shouted "cut!" and a line of Hogwarts schoolchildren suddenly emerged. They painted an oddly familiar picture as they yomped down the hill in single file.

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Grainger were the exceptions - they were whisked discreetly into a Land Rover to be driven down the short path back to base. Emma Watson (Hermione) wore a school uniform of a pale yellow shirt and short black skirt, while Daniel Radcliffe (Harry) and Rupert Grant (Ron), were wrapped protectively in full-length Barbour bushman coats. The children have to be looked after because they are in every scene.

They may just have been acting as a class of Gryffindors learning the Care of Magical Creatures, but for the next hour all 30 children - including local extras - had to attend real-life school lessons in makeshift classrooms because it is muggle law that they do so.

A security man got a stern message on his walkie-talkie. Spectators were to move away immediately from the principal children or we would be asked to leave the set. A helicopter dropped off lunch to the various security personnel dotted around the mountainside.

Later, the stunning peaks of Glencoe will become the perfect backdrop for the game of Quidditch during which Harry falls off his broomstick because he sees his nemesis, Sirius Black, disguised as a black dog imprinted on the bright blue sky.

Onlooker Samantha Perry, from Middlesbrough, said: "Today in Glencoe has been as magical as any trip on the Hogwarts Express."

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban will be released in summer 2004.

All four Harry Potter books make a BBC list of Britain's top 100 good reads.

BBC Reports:
The boy wizard was a favourite with the 140,000 people who voted in the television and online poll.

Interview with Percy

Also from BBC Harry Potter has touched the lives of children and adults all over the world, but few have been more involved than Norfolk actor Chris Rankin.

As muggles save their gringots to buy the latest Potter instalment, The Order Of The Phoenix, Chris is busy learning his lines as filming continues on The Prisoner Of Azkaban.

"It is odd," he said, "but it’s nice when people come up and say ‘are you Percy Weasley’, especially little kids who just sort of look at me with this woooah look on their face."

Oh how touching...

3 page apology

Two schoolboys involved in a plot to sell stolen chapters of the new Harry Potter book to a tabloid newspaper escaped punishment today.

And one of the teenagers has written a three-page letter to author JK Rowling to apologise for his part in the scheme.

The boys, both 16, who cannot be named for legal reasons, admitted handling stolen goods and told magistrates that they "seriously regretted" their actions. Magistrates gave them absolute discharges.

from Norfolk's Eastern Daily Press.

In love?

The Daily Record reports:
ROBBIE Coltrane got to grips with more than his role in the new Harry Potter film yesterday.

The recently separated actor - who plays Hagrid - was spotted with his arm around a mystery woman during filming of the Prisoner of Azkaban in Fort William.

Coltrane revealed that Hagrid has a love interest in the latest movie - an 8ft 6in giant called Madame Maxime.

Mysterious 5th book characters

Scholastic has a mysterious picture of the 5th book..

Many people are wondering who the people are. We know the gentleman on the right is Mad Eye Moody due to the one mad eye. But who are the other characters? And that shadow of someone in a doorway...

Hmmm...I wonder

Well, that's it for todays news.

Stay tuned for more updates.

This is EHI correspondent Hpan1f.

Good afternoon.

May 16th| 3:58 pm

Updated Why we hate Emma

May 16th| 7:14 am

I have to go catch the bus any second now soo...
Updated Emma's Role models and Very good Questions

May 15th| 7:10 am

Yes, Anna was right to take the tag board off. Some of ya'll need to grow up..
May 14th| 9:24 pm

Updated Proof Section

May 14th| 9:20 pm

But work Or no work...

I updated Very Good Questions

May 14th| 6:44 pm

Anna, may I please take a 2 day break?
I need a vacation from all this work


May 14th| 6:06 pm

Just got back from the arcade with loads of candy I just won.
Laffy taffy guys, are VERY chewy.

Laffy Taffy of course contains jokes.
What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?

Finding Half a Worm!

Do you know why the man walked on the moon?

He couldn't wait for a taxi..

I don't get the last one...oh well..If anyone actually does can email me here

Anyway, I had an email today saying that Rupert Grint goes to Richard Hale School..

A private school with a supposed stag in the background..

May 14th| 7:01 am

By the way, Our Motto of the week is just a bunch of mottos that have nothing to do with Emma Whatsoever.

May 13th| 9:32 pm

Updated Our staff page with a new member!

May 13th| 9:20 pm

Updated Proof Section
By the way, Hey Bri.

May 13th| 9:04 pm

Another Threat today:

'O and by the way I can report to aol about ur site and how ur spreading my sn and they can take ur ghetto site down. so bye bye'

Don't worry. I already apoligized to her for everthing I ever done.

It's not about losing the site, well..let's just say I had a great inspriration from a friend.

May 13th| 7:08 am

Must leave shortly but before I go, I updated Very Good Questions with a very good question from Kristina Vi. Thanks Kristina!

May 13th| 6:58 am

I'm doing this before I go to school.

Well today I've recieved Many Many letters from an Emma disliker.

Apparently she thinks that I'm a bitch and that I'm full of jealousy...Yes, an Emma Disliker.

Her emails were accusing me of Copying Prissy Chick, and that what I'm doing has nothing whatsoever to do with The Freedom of Speech.

She also sent me a highly interesting one:

I'm not sure if she's insulting me or insulting British peeps. Both perhaps.

I sent her back with the following letter:

'There is no wrong way or right way to pronounce something

To the British, we have something called 'an american accent'

If you want to email her You're more than welcome to.

Any thoughts or comments to me Should go here

May 12th| 4:30 pm

Today's News

Hebrew Order of Phoenix

Jonathon writes in to Mugglenet to say that the Hebrew translation of Order of the Phoenix will be released September 26th, the Rosh Hashana holiday.

35th Worst?

Channel 4 viewers voted Harry Potter as the 35th Worst Briton in a poll Saturday night. You have to wonder if the people who voted for Harry have done anything more than just look at the cover? Their reasons for voting for Harry: "He's a dork" and, "He wears those stupid, thick-rimmed glasses".

By the way, Tony Blair is First.

I wonder why Emma Watson isn't on there..I'm just kidding! I'm just kidding!

More Bad news

Jane Austen tops Harry Potter as being the best loved book by a female author.

Well that's it for todays news.

Stay tuned for more updates.

This is EHI correspondent Hpan1f

Good Evening.

May 12th| 6:59 am

Updated Our proof section. The Hermione section looks pretty empty don't ya think? Must work on that

May 12th| 6:48 am

Good Morning! Just checking my mail and the site before I go to school. I updated Emma's Hair Styles by the way.

May 11th| 9:01 pm

Updated Emma's Bio and Very good questions

May 11th| 8:44 pm

Updated Emma's Bio and Contact

May 11th| 8:36 pm

Updated Staff Page with a new member, Ally! :D

May 11th| 8:30 pm

I had a very nice email today.
It said:
Hey, i know her email, if ne of u want 2 send her mean, bad, and nasty emails!

Here it is if any one of you want to email her.

By the way, much thanks to Ally Hearn!!

May 11th| 7:05 pm

Updated Emma's bio again. Not for the last time for the day either I suppose.

May 11th| 6:16 pm

Updated Emma's Bio

May 11th| 4:33 pm

Updated Quote of The week

May 11th| 4:17 pm

Updated A new section under Emma called emma's Hairstyles

May 11th| 3:23 pm

I Updated Emma's Nicknames. And so did Anna.

May 11th| 8:39 am

I've got a busy day today so before I hurry off, I decided to update Today's News.

Today's News

An underhand campaign to sell top-secret chapters of the new "Harry Potter" book has been foiled by a British tabloid newspaper.

Four individuals were attempting to sell chapters from the fourth installment of author JK Rowling's popular series about a schoolboy wizard, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", for a staggering $32,000 US.

But newspaper "The Sun" was tipped off by some mysterious phone calls that offered to sell the pages to the paper. After informing the police, the newssheet ensured that the chapters went back to safety, where they would stay until the book's official release on 21 June 2003.

Thanks to Teen Hollywood

Wow. I would rather wait then to pay $32,000.

That's probably it for today's news but stay tuned for more updates.
This is Hpan1f, who is in quite a hurry today.

Good morning.

May 10th| 6:22 pm

Updated Quotable Quotes and Contact

May 10th| 6:08 pm

Updated Emma's Role Models

May 10th| 5:57 pm

Updated Proof

May 10th| 5:46 pm

Updated Dan reasons

Today's News
There has been a magazine article about Sean Biggerstaff a.k.a Oliver Wood.
It says:

He was a teen sex symbol – now producers have made him vanish. Ever since he became the heart-throb of the film Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone, Hollywood has been beckoning for Sean biggerstaff.

But Closer can exclusively reveal that the sexy Scottish actor, who plays Griffindor’s quidditch captain, Oliver Wood, has been axed just a week into filming the third movie, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Talking about his rejection, Sean said: “I've been acting since I was 7 and have learnt to deal with these sorts of things. The producer phoned me and explained that the script, including my part, was being cut for time reasons and it wasn’t worth me standing around in the background.”

“He was very apologetic and nice about it. I'm upset but I'm a very philosophical guy.”

On the positive side, 20 yr old Sean has been able to buy a 4 bedroom house in his native Glasgow and no longer has to hang out with children younger than him. “I was the only actor around my age” he says

“Sometimes it was great because you could mess about, but then I’d get desperate for someone on the same wavelength as me.”

“As a child, acting can cause real problems. Its not connected with the real world so there's a big risk of having such a bizarre life. But its amazing how well Daniel Radcliffe has kept his head screwed on.”

While his fame has ensured legions of adoring female fans, Sean has never had a girlfriend.

Perhaps his experience in the acting world has led to Sean's lack of confidence with girls. Despite his big brown eyes, long lashes and cheeky grin, perhaps the young actor believes potential girlfriends are more interested in his fame than himself.

“It's bizarre because my parents have been together since they were 15. I was never unpopular with the girls at school, but when Harry Potter came out, I started getting mail from girls all over the world telling me how much they adore me – I think most of the girls in Thailand and Japan have written to me!”

“I look for a lot of different things in a girl. But I'm not very confident with women and I'm in no hurry to fall in love.”

Perhaps Sean's home life is the reason

“My parents had another baby 2 years ago. At first it was odd but now I completely adore the baby,” he admits

“I've been like a dad from 17. I look after her, pick her up from nursery and change her nappies. My parents both work full time so a lot of help is needed.”

And now unfortunately he’ll have plenty more time to do it.

Ah, yes, I believe the rumors are true. Say goodbye to Oliver Wood.

That's it for Today's news.
Stay tuned for More updates.

This is Hpan1f.
Good evening.

May 10th| 3:59 pm

Updated a new section called 'weird'

May 9th| 9:43 pm

Updated Quotable Quotes with a nice quote from Katie

May 9th| 9:21 pm

Updated Emma's Bio

May 9th| 7:20 pm

Updated Dan reasons and of course:
Happy Birthday Anna!
Hopefully she'll have everything she wants!

Send her birthday greetings and cards here

May 9th| 7:16 pm

Updated Proof since some of the photos weren't working. And I added more pictures to it.

May 9th| 4:41 pm

I couldn't update yesterday because for some reason, we couldn't get into the internet.
Then we found out we haven't paid yet and my mum called the company on the phone today.

Anyway, let's go on to Today's updates.

Well, today I had a very very good email today.

It says:
Hi! I want to say, that yes, I am an Emma Fan, but no, I am not going to diss you because you think Emma is a poor actress. Hey, America is a free country. I say I like Emma, you say you don't. That's fine. I wnated to say that I really like Emma, and think she is a great actress, but I do agree with you on the whole insulting our accent thing. That was way out of line. She needs to take that back, but I doubt that will happen. I visited your site to see your reasons for hating Emma, and some do have basis. Some don't, (in my opinion however.)
Have a nice day. I really hope that someday Emma takes back what she said about the American accent. Thanks."
From Court

Now Emma Fans THIS is how to write a letter. I believe Courtney is the top of her class. :D

Anyway, on to my bad letter.

Amy Minako, who happens to be a friend of mine, had the following letter.

u can fuck kiss my ass u sick mofo!!ya u fuckin hater. i'l break u legs and arms, throw u in a river and i'l see how u live. ur a nasty hoe.bitch, and a pussy. ohh ya u doN,t got one. little fag. i just heard the garbage truck, might be pickin up ur mom.

Now you see the difference between the 1st letter and the 2nd one?!

Anyway, send all of your letters and comments here

Today's news
THE fifth Harry Potter book has set a new publishing record, with advance sales in the UK exceeding the 300,000 mark more than six weeks before it reaches the bookshelves.

Definitive figures on advance sales are not publicly available because the publisher, Bloomsbury, considers it "vulgar" to reveal the print run of the first edition. However, Britain's leading booksellers yesterday confirmed that at least 270,000 orders have been placed and the actual figure can be conservatively estimated at 350,000.

Ottakar's and Waterstone's, with more than 300 shops between them, have taken a joint total of nearly 100,000 orders, and have organised parties on midsummer's day to help attract children to their stores. A Waterstone's spokesman said: "Book four was huge but this looks even bigger than that." confirmed it has received 130,000 orders and has recruited extra staff to mail out all the books on Friday, 20 June, to ensure they arrive in the first post the following morning. The book is available at half price and costs #8.49.
from The Scotsman

For all of ya'll German friends out there, German Book V due out 11/8/2003

Four people have been charged in the theft of copies of OoTP
from BBC

According to

A section of Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix from page 766 has been captured in a photo during the time the book was found.

"Yes," said Mr Weasley...

...there is"...


..."Yeah, if...

...way you...

...Uncle V... (presumably 'Vernon').

Well, we can't see much. Oh well.

That's it for todays news.

this is Hpan1f.

Good afternoon. Or morning. Or night.

May 7th| 7:18 pm

I believe Anna has updated Emma's Bio

May 7th| 7:07 pm

Updated Emma's Role Models again

May 7th| 6:42 pm

Updated Emma's Role Models

May 7th| 5:29 pm

Added pictures to Emma's Role Models.

May 7th| 7:02 am

Speaking of Snitchseeker.. Added its button and hopefully, they'll add ours.

May 7th| 6:56 am

Changed Sister sites to affiliates since I'm planing to add Snitchseeker on.

May 7th| 6:52 am

Deleted our main page since we haven't a enter page.
Yes I know it sounds confusing. Just continue on.

May 7th| 6:49 am

Updated Dan reasons with 2 quotes: 1 from Tiff again and the other from Brittney Bass

May 7th| 6:45 am

Updated Quotable Quotes with a nice quote from Tiff. Thanks!

May 7th| 6:35 am

I had a very good email and I had a very rude Email today, but it's alright.
It says
so i heard from the streets that u hate emma watson. well ur just another hore in my way u bitch. man what the fuck do u have against her. shes wayyy more famous than u'll eva be u fuckin chink, i'm asian to and a bit chinese but ur acting like a prick and u really made me call u a chink. dmn u guys are fucked, all yall group can go suck ur dads cock and if u don't have a dad well i don't give a fuck. so fuck the emma haters. shes hot and she deserves respect u chink. go fuck off ok. and by the way ur a hore!!!!!! and i know ur hinese because i saw ur bio at the emma haters site so fuck off.

Well, I just sent the email back with the following message:

Fix your poor grammer please

If you agree with the person who just sent the email above, you can email him here or if you disagree with the person above you can always send hate mail.

Anyway, send your thoughts and hate letters here

May 6th| 4:41 pm

Had end of grade testing today. Pretty hard. It'll continue tommorow too, so please excuse me if I stop in a middle of a sentence and don't continue until the next day.

Anyway, I am downloading a friend some music, and he prefers Rap. So, do any of ya'll know any recent rap songs?
Please email me or post it in our tag board.

Thanks so much,

Today's news
CNN reports the following this morning: Police were being called in to investigate the suspected theft of two copies of the eagerly awaited new Harry Potter book, author JK Rowling's agent said today.
... Neil Blair, from literary agency Christopher Little, which represents Rowling, said police were involved and the initial inquiries were concentrating on suspected theft. "This is a matter that we are currently investigating and the investigation is focusing on the suspicion that this involved a theft," he said.

Posh Spice has sent an audition tape of her son Brooklyn to the PoA casting team, and offered herself and her husband as parents waving him off at the train station. No word yet on whether Brooklyn will make it beyond the level of Wannabe Hogwarts student.

I find this unfair. Just because your mother is a Spice girl doesn't increase your chances of being on POA movie does it?
Unfairness indeed.

That's all for todays news, might update Later.
This is Emma Haters Inc correspondent Hpan1f
Good evening.

May 5th| 8:05 pm

Added Emma's Biography under Emma, which comments! :D

May 5th| 6:14 pm

Added 'Member' and 'Staff', both which are under Us.

May 5th| 5:45 pm

I visited this site during Computer Class.
Hope the teacher didn't notice. Anyway, it looked alright to me.

Anyway, I updated a new section under Emma. Partly forgot what it was called, but check it out anyway.

May 4th| 8:56 pm

Updated a new section called 'very good questions...' under Emma.

And yeah, we did find the Quote of the week..

May 4th| 8:39 pm

I updated Contact..and there's something really wrong.
Is it just my computer or does the Quote of the Week not work? I dunno what's wrong.

May 4th| 8:27 pm

Updated 'Proof'

May 4th| 8:11 pm

Today's News

According to The Leaky, 'Saturday Night Live made mention of the Harry Potter phenomenon tonight, commenting that Book Five's print run of 8.5 million books would merit the sixth book the title: "Harry Potter and the End of Trees.'
Just so you know, Saturday Night Live is a show that comes on Late Night with funny stunts. Of course I was going to watch it, but was occupied with something else..

We should have a Countdown to the Order of Phoenix, unfortunately, I don't know how...

There was also a rumor around many sites that Dan was at a car accident.
Unfortunately, the rumor is not true.

That's it for today's news. This is Hpan1f. Good night.

May 4th| 5:24 pm

I updated a section called 'Emma's Transformation. It has a nice looking parrot-background that reminds me of my bird, before it died.
Dang, that bird would never shut up.
Anyone interested in hearing my dead bird's story can email me here. I doubt anyone would want to listen anyway.
And no, I did not kill my bird on purpose. I'm not that cruel.

May 4th| 4:36 pm

I had decided to update Quotable Quotes and the Quote of the Week, which you'll know where it came from if you look under.

May 4th| 4:30 pm

I've been looking up images on other Emma hater sites, so I was a little late updating this morning.
Plus, I've had a sneeze attack ever since 9am and would like to take a rest for the day, if thats alright with Anna.

May 3rd| 4:02 pm

Perhaps red would look better than pink..

I moved 'Why we hate Emma' under lists and reasons, since it shouldn't belong to the 'Us' section in the first place. Might have been tired when I put it under Us.
And I also added Reasons why Emma fancies Dan, or I'll just call it 'Dan reasons' because its too much to type up. Appologies to Dan by the way.

May 3rd| 11:50 am

Failed attempt at trying to change pink for red ¬¬. Preparing new sections. :)

Updated our Proof section AGAIN for the 3rd and possibly not the last time, because one of our picture wasn't working.
I also had to add another message.

May 3rd| 11:43 am

Updated our Contact Section

May 3rd| 11:36 am

Updated Proof section again, with pictures.

May 3rd| 11:32 am

I updated Quotable Quotes since I was missing one.

May 3rd| 11:15 am

I updated our Proof section

May 3rd| 10:45 am

Updated Quotable Quotes

May 3rd| 10:34 am

Added 'FAQ' under Us

May 3rd| 9:45 am

Anna added 'Link our site' under Us.
Thanks Anna!

May 3rd| 9:41 am

I'm sorry I couldn't work yesterday, I had a slight cold and I needed my sleep. This week I might not be myself lately so please excuse me if I take a slight break.
Thank you

May 1st| 6:46 pm

Yay the first day of may!!!
Working....expect more sections soon.

April 30th| 9:14 pm

Yes! now we have 'why we hate emma' under 'us'

April 30th| 8:55 pm

Updated Quotable Quotes.

April 30th| 8:46 pm

I made a Contact page, under 'us'.

Other Updates were not found and Therefore lost.
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