Why We hate Emma

The following reasons are not exactly in order

She acts older than she already is. (visit proof)

She has an evil look, probably from all the make-up

She isn't very kind

She said that she 'never' wears ponytails but right after that, she's sitting on a swing, with (surprise surprise) ponytails.

She likes Dan but denies it

She did not get along with the late Richard Harris who played Professor Dumbledore. (Rest in peace Richard)

She wants to be a little innocent fairy princess

She hates L.A. and the rest of America.

She Insulted our country's accent on OUR Television programs.

She Can not act good. Period. (Notice we said 'good' not 'she can't act at all'.)

Her fashion sense is atrocious and she thinks its good!

She acts all punky, which she is not.

She's always wearing WAY too much make-up for her age.

Shes always wearing clothes which require cleavage

She thinks Kenneth Branaugh is the Brad Pitt of Hogwarts

How she always plays with her hair.

She's a prep

She complains too much. EW! this and EW! that.

She lets fame get to her head.

She thinks, or certainly shows, that she acts better than everyone else.

How she got chosen ( see how she got the part )

Rumor is that she stuffs...

She shows off way too much of her skin

Awful Rolemodel to her fans. Bad influence to girls everywhere.

Her clothing require the many killings of animals.

She gives British citizens a bad name.

She takes it for granted that everyone in the world loves her.

A plain hypocrite.

Please send us your reasons, comments, ect.

Or if it doesn't work, email me here


Hi! first of all I have 2 say that ur website is the best and it's sooooooooooo funny too! lol heres another thing you could put on why i hate emma watson part of ur site: she stuffs its so obvious b/c u cant grow boobs lyke that in lyke one year!

one of emma biggest haters,


Snob. There is no better word to describe Emma Watson. Of course, you could say she's stuck-up or that she is a bitch or you could even go as far as a snobby stuck-up bitch. But snob sums it up pretty well. Want to know why I dislike Emma Watson? Well, how many reasons do you want? It could be the fact that she is cruel, or maybe that she wears way too much make-up or maybe it's because her taste in fashion is horrible. To be completely honest, it’s all of those reasons. "You’re just jealous of her!" is what the majority of visitors to my Anti-Emma website say. But why, I ask. Why would I be jealous of a snobby, mean, cruel, ugly, flat person who wears way too much eye make-up such as Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson? My cause of my website is merely to inform people of the side of Emma that not a lot of people generally see. When I first saw her in that picture of Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and herself when they were first cast, I saw a cute, pretty, innocent girl who O assumed, could act. Now I see everything but those things. "I'm 12, but I'll be 13 in April" is the phrase often heard from her. I am only one month older than Emma and I'm rather be 12 than 13 but it seems to me that Miss Watson is trying to grow up way to fast. I'm sure everyone has noticed the Disappearing and Reappearing Chest? There is no way that her chest could grow at that rate over the past two years or so. Does anyone also recall her saying this: "I don't wear ponytails, I wear PLAITS!” Is that because ponytails look cute and are associated with little, innocent children? Hmmm, yes, I think so. But wait, that doesn't explain that picture of Emma on the swing, wearing PONYTAILS now does it? Oh, so confusing! Someone please tell Emma that it takes more than a selfish attitude and a few extra applications of makeup that it takes more to act more mature and grown up. Remember her reaction when asked about her feeling when she had to hug Dan? Whoopy-doo. A hug. Grow up Emma, please. You are making us all sick. Want more reasons to hate? The list is endless! There are also the facts that when Richard Harris died, she had no sympathy whatsoever for him or his family. I don't care if she liked him or not, she is a heartless cow for disregarding his death like another autumn leaf. Ok, still want another reason or to not to like Emma Watson? Ok, she wants to be a fairy princess, she hates L.A. and she doesn't like Americans and she thinks Danny and Rupert are immature brats but she loves Tom Felton. Well sorry for being "immature" but maybe Dan and Rupert are being mature by making the most of their adolescence. Maybe Emma should do the same. To sum everything up, I do not like Emma Watson one bit.
Thanks for your time

~*~*~*~love always~*~*~*~

"I hate Emma because she is a snob AND a flirt who does nothing except be self-centered (ie. on death of Richard Harris"Yeah....yeah") She stuffs her boobs and is a braggart. " from Nerina

"hi my name is Samanta you can contact me at square_pants@hotmail.com.

i really dislike emma because she thinks that she is a Very famous person(which she is not). and she can't play hermoine right. my sister could play hemoine better. and she's a rude, bra stuffer,who doesn't act her age, punk and asian wannabe, who dislikes americans, who is a total hypocrite,person.

if she doesn't like americans why oh why did she say she wants peace from afghanistan and U.S.

a little about me:
for my personal opinion i think i am a very good critic and a great singer. i was born in the philippines but i moved to the U.S.and i am an emma hater (note:i just don't hate her i loathe her).

sincerely an emma hater,

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