
These are some awfully weird pictures and wierd moments for Emma.
Let's have some Fan made pictures first.

Um..very interesting.

Hold on. Is she telling a fib?!

Must be having a bad day huh?

I wonder how many hours of sleep she had last night.



Weird indeed.


Made by Brittney Bass

Now lets go on to the awkward moments from the real Emma.

Wierd position don't ya think?

Too late for the camera perhaps.

Perhaps some dust caught in her eye.

Quite a sneer indeed.

My gosh, she likes showing out her tongue. Perhaps she'll get a tongue ring.


Pretty hard to think on talk shows huh?

There goes her everlasting tongue.

Please no pictures. Too late.

Quite a unpleasant picture.

Quite a toothy grin.

Awkward moment.

Caught by surprise.

Quite a lot.

Red indeed.

Why bother making the show white.


Really hot isn't it? I was talking about the weather

Puckering up.


I think she really dislikes people of scratching in public.

There it goes again.

And Again...


Wierd position.

Pointed out by Amy Minako
She looks like a weird sort of beaver in that one.

She just looks weird in that. (pointed out by Charlotte)
If you have any weird moments of Emma or any fan art email me here

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