Where Emma Watson Went Wrong

This section was submitted by Nerina (thanks!)

Where do you think Emma Watson went wrong? When she got the part of Hermione? During the Second Movie? When she was born?

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"I think she went wrong when the first movie was over and she was introduced to premieres and money, otherwise known as Fame" from Hpan1f

"ya know, i think it was when she found out that the Harry Potter movies was a success! more power to ya!" from Nerina

"i think she went wrong when she was born and went even more wrong when she got too close to daniel which will make me angry and she goes even more wrong evryday since she keeps getting too close to him everyday which is bad cause soon she will die" from Anna

"I think she went wrong the second she got to the london premere of HP1 and got close to dan and money and fame." from raye666

"probably when she got some roles at school plays!" from nerina

"During the second movie, becuase she was such a good person that wasn't prissy and b!tchy!:)" from Lauren

"Emma went wrong when she was born. No need to explain right?" from Charlotte

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