FairyGal's Home



September 2, 2003

Hey, I finally got my act together to put up this website! Glad you stopped by. I hope to be updating this on a regular basis - keyword here being hope. Sorry about these annoying ads. Makes me feel like I'm running a porn site. Not that I have anything against porn sites. Ahem. Anyhow, I'm looking into an ads- and banner-free web account at the moment, so please bear with me in the meantime.

So what's going on with me? Let's say things could be better. I'm burned out from my thesis work, and my mother is ill...in fact I'll be out of town for about a week at the beginning of October to visit her. You can read about the ongoing events in my life in my Journal if you care oh so dearly about me. I guess it's OK too if you just want to laugh at my misfortunes.