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My Labyrinth

I would like to share my labyrinth with you. I started the project in June of 2002. It took me three months to complete. Factors such as heat, fallen trees and a severe case of posion ivy slowed me down quite a bit. I had heard of labyrinths some time ago and had pretty much put them out of mind. Fortunately in June of 2002 I went to Bangor, Pa., where I had the pleasure of walking my first labyrinth. I was hooked. Wanting to have easy access to a labyrinth inspired me to build one. I live in a rural area so I started the labyrinth in our woods behind our home. It was a lot of work but well worth it.
I have named the labyrinth, Balance and Clarity. Balance so that all aspects of life stay on an even keel. Clarity so we may see things as they truly are. I hope to be able to share the labyrinth with anyone who would enjoy the experience.

I started with a tweny five foot circle. I then cleared away fallen trees, small live trees, shrubs, and lots of posion ivy. Later I laid down plastic sheets. After this, with the help of my son, we covered the area in small red stones. Finally we laid rock from the surrounding woods in the pattern of the labyrinth. It is composed of seven circuits with an expanded center. The picture on the main page of this web site shows the labyrinth when it is almost complete. We were in the process of laying down a few more red stones in order not to have any thin spots.

I have added another picture taken in October 2003.

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