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Before asking for a request, please keep in mind that I don't have a ton of time... and the time that I actually do have, I tend to like to draw my own stuff. I'm not the most timely person when it comes to this kind of thing, as some of you might know. I apologize in advance. I'm also a full time college student who works two jobs to pay tuition, so time just isn't in the cards for me. Alongside being a college student, 2 job worker and artist, I'm also a writer... Time? What time?

If you would like illustrations for your story, unless I offer to do more, I'm going to limit it to 2 pictures. Unless you're Tracy, I don't really enjoy doing other people's original characters all that much. (everyone should read Tracy's stories, btw... Click here: Tracy's Series)

After I said all that, if anyone would like to draw me a picture, feel free to send it in. I love gift art, and as you can see... I don't have any :(

Requests and gifts for others:

Gifts for me:

send yours in! :) Email me at: