Gallantry is a ‘frontier’ kingdom located near the center of the continent. This kingdom has carved its way out of the wilderness and has a history of hardship and struggle. The kingdom’s topography is relatively flat. The central plains begin to give way to woodland but the area is made up much like a quilt work of forests, fields, and bogs. To the eastern edge of the kingdom the Troll Step Mountains climb rapidly to roughed peaks. Throughout this region there is evidence of an ancient kingdom that once stood here. This kingdom vanished some four thousand years ago but runes are still seen. The most noted ruin is the Great Wall, which stretches some 300 miles along the southern boarder of Gallantry. This land then lay as a wilderness for some two thousand years. Then a knight was sent from the kingdom of Monongal to establish an outpost within the wilderness to help protect the kingdom from forces of orcs and goblins from the eastern wilds and Thar. Sir Gallen took a small contingent of men and followers and began to build as his king had asked. From this wilderness the Kingdom of Gallantry rose. The Atairnen Fort was first built and grew to become the capital of Gallantry. As the young kingdom grew, gothem was built upon an ancient ruin and the great wall was reinforced. During the Shadow Wars Gallantry became a major strategic location, with its proximity to Thar.
This region history is broken and not well known even to the scholars. Around 1500 years ago it is believed that a servant to the king of Monongal was sent east to establish an outpost presumably for defensive purposes. This was about the time of the fall of the Monongal kingdom and from this Gallantry rose to form it’s own kingdom. Gallantry was and is a small kingdom, isolated and carving itself out of a wilderness. Sir Gallen was established and well respected as a king and the Kingdom was apparently named for him. As the Dark Lord rose within Thar, Gallantry was one of the first kingdoms embroiled in the Shadow Wars. The Kingdom suffered much destruction and war during the Shadow Years, but never completely fell to the forces of the Dark Lord. After the defeat of the Dark Lord, Gallantry has taken much of the burden of standing watch over Thar.
The kingdom of Gallantry sees itself as a guardian. Standing against the evils of Thar and the dangers of the wilderness of the east.