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undefined Next Game
The First World Game

We play every other Thursday, starting at 7:30pm eastern time. We usually play on the OpenRPG III Server, First World Room.

Schedule: January 1,15,29. February 12,26.

The game takes place in the home brewed world of First World, on the continent of Midland.

The Evil Overlord is newly in charge of the city of Boreamorr, and he's taking no crap from anyone. As his orcs and goblins (and the occasional ogre or other nasty) patrol the streets, he has introduced strict new rules that make everyone's life a living hell:

These rules may be amended at anytime and without warning:

1) Under penalty of death, only nobility and those issued with special permits may carry weapons other than daggers on their person.

2) Under penalty of death, armor may only be worn and shields carried by member of the guard or members of the Overlord's army.

3) Under penalty of death, all non-humans (Elves, Dwarves, etc.) must be registered with the authorities and wear bright yellow hats to distinguish themselves.

4) Under penalty of death, all persons capable of using any type of magic must register with the Overlord's army and wear bright red hats to distinguish themselves.

5) Under penalty of death, all alchemists must register with the Overlord's army.

6) Thievery, Treason, Lying to Authorities, and Refusal to Pay Taxes are all now immediately punishable by death. The arresting officer shall decide what method shall be used.

7) Unwarranted searches and seizures should be expected.

8) To reduce crime, there is a dusk till dawn curfew in effect, under penalty of death.

When the state of emergency is ended, these measures will no longer be necessary. Please be patient while we restore order. If there are additional strictures needed, you will be notified by duly appointed members of the public guard, criers' guild or Overlord's army.

That is all.