The Lands of Kellsor

Kellsor is a large and diverse region of the continent. Much of the area is covered with rugged low mountains, green valleys, and frequent deep lakes, providing beautiful scenery. Kellsor has more coastland than any other region/kingdom of the continent, but due primarily to lack of organization, it is not a major sea faring nation.
Kellsor is located in the most northern part of the west coast. It is surrounded on three sides by ocean. The east is bordered by the Misty Mountains and the southern end is the start of the Great Plains. Kellsor has four land regions which are distinguished by their topographic makeup; these are the Kellsor Ridge, this is the southern part of the region and marks the northern end of the great plains; The Central Lowlands, after crossing the Kellsor Ridge and moving north the land drops into a wide valley area; The Northern Highlands, moving from the Central Lowlands the land rises into a second rugged range; and the Southern Peninsula, a relatively flat low peninsula extending as far south as to be almost even with Boreamorr in Armania.
Loosely corresponding to the four topographic regions of the area are four political regions, or counties. Kes is the area of the upper part of the northern highlands extending along much of the northern coast. Tayside consists of the large south central region, including the Kellsor Ridge and much of the Central Lowlands. Sarn is the lower portion of the Northern Highlands extending along much of the north west coastal region. Waren includes the southern peninsula.
The people of Kellsor (called Kels) were believed to once populate the whole western side of the continent. As the Arian and Cormyr people migrated into the southern part of the west coast (some 5 to 6 thousand years ago) the Kels moved north. Much of Kellsor’s history has been marked by warfare. Clan wars have been common throughout Kellsor’s history, including into very recent history. Many clan raids have gone outside the boarders of Kellsor into Armania and Roane.
The Armanian expansion came up the west coast and across the Barish Gulf into Kellsor. Armania briefly occupied much of the southern half of Kellsor. This occupation caused some unification of the clans and strengthened a unified pride as a people. Soon the Kels forced Armania out of its boarders, creating the current boundaries of the region. This also more strongly established the four political regions, or counties, of Kellsor. Through out history clans of Northmen have raided into Kellsor from the Forever Islands. Today several clans are living in this region.
The people of Kellsor are fiercely loyal to their clan. A clan is usually an extended family group and has a clan leader or king, usually the strongest member of the clan. Each county has a king, usually a clan king elected by all the clans within the county. This ‘election’ is more by show of strength than by a ballet. The Kels recognize themselves as one kingdom, even with its four parts. Throughout history there has been many attempts, usually through war, to make one King of Kellsor. And clan wars between regions and within regions are common, but throughout its history, especially during the Armanian occupation, Kels have been known to put their differences aside and unite to a common cause.
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