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Hearld A proud and ancient Kingdom, Lyone is well known for its art and culture. To the outside observer the people of Lyone might seem pampered and soft, but they are a strong people and a formidable Kingdom. The Kingdom is fairly heavily populated, especially to the western half, with populations dwindling as you get near the eastern wilderness.

Located along the southern coast of Midland and below the Thunder Tooth Mountains, this Kingdom consists of rich fertile land, a warm climate, and a moderate rain fall. Unlike the other land south of the Thunder Tooth Mountains and east of Lyone, which are dry. Lyone, due to the narrowing of the western end of the Thunder Tooth Mountain Range, has weather patterns which produce good rainfall throughout the year.

Much of Lyone is forested and, within the southern region, the climate even boarders on sub-tropical. The forests consist of deciduous trees with conifer and broad leaf evergreen mix, especially to the south. The southern coast is bordered by marshes and bayous, making it difficult in many areas to know where the sea ends and the land begins. The Loreana Swamp, a geographic feature of the eastern boarders of Lyone, is well known throughout Lyone, Armania, and even further north as a place of danger and legend. There are only a few of these thick cypress swamps on the continent.

Cities within this Kingdom can trace histories back for thousands of years. It is disputed as to whether the people of Lyone (Lenn) originated in this location or migrated here, forcing Kels from this area. Most scholars believe the Lenn originated on the continent and even find strong ties between the people of Lyone and the Galls (people of Gallantry). As the Uranians swept into Aramai from the east, above the Thunder Tooth Mt., They then expanded north along the west coast and only made minor incursions into Lyone. As the arians concurred the Uranians and began their expansion, they invaded into Lyone and even held some of it’s land, before being forced back to it’s current boarders. This sparked a long history of tension between the two Kingdoms, that persist to this day.

Lyone is a feudalistic state. Similar to Armania, there is one high king over the entire kingdom but lands are granted to lords, who help govern under the King. However the Lords under the Lyone King have less autonomy than the Lords of Armania. The King’s army keeps a visible presence throughout the Kingdom, providing a constant reminder to Lords as to who is in charge. The granted land (fife) can only be inherited by heirs of the Lord if the king so grants upon the Lord’s death. Although land are frequently granted to heirs, it is not uncommon to have the heirs denied. Those heirs who are denied inheritance have been dealt with in many different ways, ranging from substantial political rewards and honorary titles to brutal punishment and even death. This is believed to keep Lords in fear for their heirs and therefore loyal to the King.

The rich fertile soil and long growing season allows for many crops within the area. Vineyards are not uncommon and fine wines are produced within Lyone. Lyone is a major sea fearing nation with a strong merchant and military fleet. Art, architecture, and other luxury items are enjoyed by the people of Lyone and often fine artisans and craftsmen come from this area.

Earthly pleasures are greatly enjoyed by the people of Lyone. They are free and open people when it comes to expressing themselves. The more conservative cultures may find the culture of Lyone somewhat shocking, but it is quite natural for the Lenn. Art, beauty, comforts, and pleasures are greatly appreciated by these people. Some have compared the Lenn to the elves, but these humans appear harsh, material, and selfish when measured against the elves. However many elves have admired the beautiful works which come form Lyone.

Halflings settlements can be found in Lyone. In fact these are the only demi-human settlements that can be found within the boarders of Lyone. With the halflings love of food and art it is no wonder that halflings have coexisted with the people of Lyone. These communities are not independent but part of the human cities of Lyone and subject to the King.
North-east of Lyone is an independent halfling settlements. Outside of the boarders of Lyone, Broke Shire is not subject to the King, but governs itself. This Shire and Cascade Shire, further to the east are both friendly to Lyone and its King.
East of Lyone, outside it’s boarders, several races of elves can be found, and several kingdoms of dwarves are located north of Lyone in the Thunder Tooth Mountains.

Creatures Unique to the Region:
Lyone is one of the few places on the continent where black dragons have been encountered. Alligators can be found in the southern reaches of the Kingdom. Lizardmen and will-o-wisps, though not exclusive to this area, are more common here than elsewhere. The southern coast is one of the few reported encounters with sahuagins, or seadevils. These are salt water creatures that raid into coastal areas. Su-monsters have also been reported in wilderness areas.