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An Even Chance/The Duel

Midshipman Horatio Hornblower
The very first frame ever seen of Mr. Hornblower
Someone get this boy a Dramamine.
Looking a little whistful
”Everything is going splendidly.”
::sigh:: Why couldn’t he stay the boy we see here?
::squeals:: He has a chicken pock scar, too!
”God save the king!”
I think this might just be the picture you’re looking for
For the love of anything, don’t underestimate this guy
A HA! Now I remember what I saw in him! ;-)
You don’t want to cross this guy.
Holding the compass
”Fish for it.”
A beautiful profile. Someone should make a bust.
In the rescue boat (Feeling a wee bit of déjà vu, Mr. Gruffudd?)
Ack! It’s Killroy!
Another lovely picture
Eeep! He’s wounded!
I think this is the only time we ever see him salute

Midshipman Archie Kennedy
The first time we ever see Archie
Always so cheerful. Well, usually.
A little uneasy
Poor baby!
Look at those eyes!
At Clayton’s deathbed
”The frogs killed their king!”
"The Indifatigable!"
In awe of Pellew. And who wouldn’t be?
Thinking back to the Justinian
Preparing for battle

Other characters
Miss-tah Bowles
M’Man Clayton and his violin
Clayton following the duel
This bit reminded me a lot of Senator Kelly
Captain Keene
Lieutenant Eckleston
“Sorry, sir.”
Oldroyd running an underground gambling ring. (He doesn’t quite look the part, does he?)
Our first shot of the wonderful Captain Pellew
The Evil One

Multiple characters
"You can’t kill a king.”
Horatio is a skosh more refined than his companion.
I am going to hyperventilate.
Archie and Horatio looking up
Hornblower and Clayton watch as spasms rack through Kennedy’s body
No! It’s not your time!
Hornblower and Matthews
"Put that down, Styles.”
Clayton and Kennedy prepare for The Duel
Bowles and Pellew
Matthews and Styles first conflict with Mr. Hornblower
Finch, Matthews, and Oldroyd’s dimple
Oldroyd, Finch, and Styles
Matthews, Oldroyd, Styles, and Finch
"'Fish for it,’ sez ‘e!”
Thank goodness for Finch!

An Even Chance/The Duel
Examination for Lieutenant/The Fire Ships
The Duchess and the Devil
The Frogs and The Lobsters/The Wrong War

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