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About the Instructor


Dr. James W. Kimbrough is a native of Mississippi, where he graduated from Cumberland High School in 1953. He went on to earn his Bachelor of Science, and Masters of Science in Botany/Entomology at Mississippi State University.  He completed his graduate studies at Cornell University, earning a PhD in Plant Pathology in 1964.

In 1964 he came to the Plant Pathology Department at the University of Florida as a mycologist with responsibilities in teaching, research, and extension. Dr. Kimbrough began teaching Introductory Mycology, and in the next few years introduced three graduate level courses: Biology and Taxonomy of Lower Fungi, Biology and Taxonomy of Ascomycetes, and Biology and Taxonomy of Basidiomycetes.  In 1980 he introduced and team-taught a new course on the biology, taxonomy and ecology of mycorrhizal fungi.

1990 saw the introduction of a new undergraduate course entitled Molds, Mildews, Mushrooms, and Man (PLP2060) This course has grown from an initial enrollment of seven to 283 in Fall semester of 2000. Dr. Kimbrough has written a textbook to accompany PLP 2060. A CD of all the figures used in lectures and referred to in the text is available for use by interested students. See Dr. Kimbrough for further information.

Dr. Kimbrough's research has focused on the uses of ultrastructure to determine sytematics and phylogeny of fungi, with a special interest in the operculate discomycetes (Pezizales). Working with graduate students and collaborators, he has published 271 manuscripts on a variety of fungal taxa.

Extension work has focused on providing fungal identification for University faculty, farmers and home and business owners throughout the state; providing workshops and seminars on the cultivation of shiitake and other exotic mushrooms; serving as an authority on fungi involved in indoor pollution problems; and providing mycological consulting for hospitals and poison control clinics dealing with the problems of toxic mushrooms. In September 2000, the Cooperative Extension Service published Dr. Kimbrough's Common Florida Mushrooms, a book with keys, descriptions, and color illustrations of 280 different mushrooms.

Dr. Kimbrough has served on numerous University, College and Departmental committees, served as chairman of the Botany Department for two years, and is currently Trustee and Scientific Advisor for Highland Biological Station. He has also actively served in a number of positions in the Mycological Society of America (MSA), serving on the Council of the MSA, as Secretary/ Treasurer, Vice President, and President of MSA.  


© 2008 Dr. James W. Kimbrough