The Pawn.
The pawn moves forward only, and except for his first move, only one square at a time. Each Pawn for it's first move has the privilege of moving two squares at the option of the player. The Pawn is the only man that does not capture as it moves. It captures on either of the two diagonal squares adjoining it in front. Each Pawn that is moved in a square on the eighth rank (the other side of the board) must be exchanged for a Queen, Rook, Bishop, or Knight of the same without regard to the number of such pieces already on the board.
The Rook.
The rook moves over unoccupied squares in a straight movement. Up and down, or sideways not diagonal.
The Knight.
The knight moves to the furthest corner of a rectangle composed of six squares. In an "L"
shape or a "7" shape.
The bishop.
The Bishop moves and captures diagonally in any direction over unoccupied squares.
The Queen.
The Queen moves and captures on the rank, the file, and the diagonal in ANY direction and over any distance over unoccupied squares.
The King.
The King can be moved in any square adjoining the square he occupies, and captures in the same manner any unprotected opposing men.
I hope the has been a little informative for you!