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Weekly update
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A day in the life....
Saturday, 25 September 2004
Been a good week!
Mood:  celebratory
Yea!! Lilian got her Degree today! I'm very happy for her and that's been pretty much the bulk of what's gone on this week. Been getting all the graduation stuff sorted out (gowns, hats, lunches, etc.) and it's kept us quite busy really. I've got most of the pictures up but we're gonna scan the professional ones and put 'em up on the site this comming week. Then I can send the link out and maybe someone will even check it out!

Posted by Malc at 1:48 PM NZT
Updated: Saturday, 25 September 2004 1:50 PM NZT
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Saturday, 18 September 2004
Two weeks in a row! Woohoo!!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Weekly update
Well well well! How's the week been around here? Been pretty busy at work and school but that's ok. Despite my numerous attempts to convince people to visit we have yet to receive one guest! How sad is that huh. Hehe, can't win 'em all eh. Lilian's graduation is next week so we're looking forward to that fer sure. I'll let you know how it goes and post some pictures (my friend from work is gonna let me use his D-Camera) next weekend! I'll also try to get a bunch of random pics and then Email everyone with the URL again and see who shows up! Oh yea, you may or may not know but I got my New Zealand citizenship a little while back and guess what? My passport just showed up in the mail! How cool is that?!?!? Anyway, I'll catch ya all next week!

Posted by Malc at 3:47 PM NZT
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Thursday, 9 September 2004
It figures don't it...
Mood:  happy
Only two entries and then I forget to update for like half a year. Typical! Hehe!!! I guess better late than never huh? Well, lets see, what's going on around here? It's almost the end of semester break, and I still have a essay to write (also fairly typical really). We're just hanging out, waiting for summer to show up. We've moved outta the city and are now deep in the heart of subburbia which suits me just fine. We were going to buy a Digital Camera but never got around to it so we might get wild and buy a scanner (dare to dream). Then at least we can use our "old skool" camera and get some new content on here...

Posted by Malc at 7:05 PM NZT
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Wednesday, 4 February 2004

Well, hello all! Another week has come and gone. I must admit that I nearly forgot to update this thing today, opps. Well what's happening here? Works been quite busy so the days have really flown by. The weather's been hot and rainy this last week which isn't much fun. Needless to say it's kinda nice to be at work on weeks like this (I love AC). My wife's still on her school trip and I can't wait for her to get home! Nothing like having my better half around for company!

Posted by Malc at 8:48 PM EADT
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Wednesday, 28 January 2004
And so it begins.....
Well, what can I say? Since Lilian is off on a school trip for the next couple of weeks I thought I'd try and revive the old web site. It'll give me something to do in my spare time and be kinda educational as well. I'm gonna try to update often and keep the 'ol Blog up to date. I'll try and get some more pics on here in the next week or so of my work and the city. Wow, it's been pretty much forever since I've made a webpage.......

Posted by Malc at 10:57 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 18 September 2004 3:45 PM NZT
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