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Paths to other Realms

A few of Shawnwood Forest's Favorite web-sites

Stevie Nick's Official Web Site
The Witches' Voice
The Wizard of Oz, on-line book
My friend Richard's site
Sorry,but what fag doesn't love Shirley Maclaine?
I'm not much into organized religion, but some great info here
So do I plant my potatos in the dark of the moon?
Look, I set my name on fire!
take this road out of the forest to find the Sidhe...
Ritual Gifts, an online witch supply store that has some goodies for the Gay and Gay at heart
Oh, these slags are good!
Uhmmm, where can I get some Mandrake?
Sum o' me floggin' bloggin

I hope you've enjoyed your trek through Shawnwood Forest. Please sign my guest-book.If you would like to contact me, climb aboard the winged sphinx and she'll take you to me.May the road rise always up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, and may you be in Heaven a half-hour before the Devil knows your dead!

Check me out!

don't believe a word that Bat says about me

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by !

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Congratulations! You're 100% YAOI Hentai!

How much of a YAOI Hentai are you?
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Urban Legends - Urban Legend Archive: A growing collection of thousands of urban legends also known as urban myths or stories.

Commonly known as SexGod!Draco, you are usually bisexual. You are horny as hell, and gorgeous as heaven, and you take advantage of both of these things to have sex with ten different people in one chapter of one fic. You are cheerful and very open about your lust. It is rare that a threatening Voldemort-type plotline will come into your story. And...did I say you were horny?
Find out which Draco you are.

:..:Which of them Charmed Ones are you? (pic for you at the end!):.
brought to you by Quizilla
Which "Natural Wonder" are you?



If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Galadriel, Elf, Queen of Lothlorien, wife of Celeborn and grandmother of Arwen.

In the movie, I am played by Cate Blanchett.

Who would you be?
Zovakware Lord of the Rings Test with Perseus Web Survey Software

Here's Dave, the hunky new demon I just adopted. If you caress him, he'll take you to place from which to adopt your own!(Oh God, I'm adopting gifs now...get the nachos cause I'm really cheesy)