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The Tad-Pole

My name is Shawn McCrary, and I was born in December 1964. My parents were very different, my mother Norma having been a piano player for several blues and swing bands as well as being beset by mental illness, and my father Jerry having been in the air force and marrying a woman sixteen years his senior.I was born in Shepard Air Force Base Hospital delivered by Dr. Charme. I think this explains a lot of the stupid luck throughout my lifetime.

Luckily(in my opinion) I was not destined to become an Air Force brat. My parents stayed in my mom's home-town of Wichita Falls.I lived a fairly normal life until my parents went to work for a man who owned three motels,which they took care of for a period of about seven years.Our family lived in these places rent-free.Between the ages of five and twelve I met truckers, professional wrestlers,hookers,circus and carnival folk, people from all over the U.S. and even the world.Some of these people became close family friends, but I had no real friends my own age.And to top it all off sweetly, my mother had a nervous breakdown when I was in fourth grade.

When I say nervous breakdown, I actually mean a melt-down where she locked me and herself in our apartment for two days,ranting about laser beams that were burning her skin, how my father was cheating on her with men(which did turn out to be true) and all the electical appliances in the house trying to kill her.My father finally got the police and paramedics over,just as she ripped off her clothes and ran down our apartment steps saying that 'they' were out to kill her.So when I hear people talking about how badly their parents treated them, I just want to laugh loudly and then puke in their faces.Oooh,hostility!Sorry 'bout that...

My mother was eventually put on Thorazine,and after some years of therapy was able to lead a somewhat normal life.However, she was very obsessive, and posessive of me.Of her four children, I was the only one who never ran away to live with her mother(Oy, the stories about her!Another time,perhaps,another page).

So enough about the wonder years.On to high School...

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