After a summer of drama,all off-stage at this point, I was ready for higher education.I had gotten a couple of scholarships and was enrolling as an English major at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls.Honestly, I was not the best academically.I think that's a word... The biggest influence on me there was an English prof by the name of Hamilton Avegno. He was a squatty,yellowish man, reminicent of a saytr, actually.He loved to misquote the T.S. Elliot poem "The Love-Life of Alfred J. Prufrock" chanting the verse..."In the rooms the women come and go,speaking of Hamilton Avegno..." Being the nerd I am,I always chuckled. But by far the biggest education coming to me was in matters of the heart.I met an art-student named Cloyce Jay Wall.He was odd-looking,angular and prissy, and I felt what I thought was love. He took some nude photos of me on a glass table from below,then water-colored them.They were beautiful...dream-like and harsh all at the same time.I have the distinction of being the first male nude in an exhibit by a student at MSU.I didn't realize how deeply Jay loved me, or how fickle my own heart was capable of being.I broke up with him on my birthday because I had met someone whom I would come to worship as a divine being...Goddess,what a maroon! Jay, I never got to tell you how sorry I was for breaking your heart... Along came Clint Hicks.A student teacher, Clint was also the first person I had ever known in the Craft. Plus, he resembled Kevin Bacon an awful lot.As our relationship progressed,he became my we would lay in bed,there in the darkness after he had 'ridden the dragon'(me) he would describe his visions to me.He saw us, he said,in a room,hiding from someone who was trying to hurt us, T.V. cameras rolling as they were about to break in and put us to an end.I get turned on by the scariest shit... Well, after three months of the happiest time of my life so far,Clint hit me in the gut with wonderful news...He was leaving for California, and couldn't take me with him.He said it was over, and didn't apologize once for any of it.I felt the worst pain I had ever been dealt in my life thus far.