Main Home Page / Pokemon Main Page / Gameboy / Gold & Silver /Attacks & Abilities

Symbol Note:
* Data is different from what it was in Red/Blue/Yellow.
Only that Pokemon can learn the move naturally. If the name is followed by the word "only" (as in "Lugia only"), it means that it is the only Pokemon in G/S that can learn it and it cannot be transferred through breeding. In some cases they may be transferred from Red/Blue/Yellow however.
Gold These attacks are only in Gold & Silver.


ABSORB Grass 20 100% 20 Your Pokemon absorbs HP from the opponent equal to 1/2 the attack damage Level
ACID Poison 40 100% 30 May decrease opponent's defense by 1 level temporarily - 10% chance Level
ACID ARMOR Poison - - 40 Increases your Pokemon's defense by 2 levels temporarily Level
AEROBLAST Flying 100 95% 5 Has a good chance for a critical hit [Lugia only] Level
AGILITY Psychic - - 30 Increases your Pokemon's speed by 2 levels temporarily Level
AMNESIA Psychic - - 20 Increases your Pokemon's special defense* power by 2 levels temporarily Level
ANCIENTPOWER Rock 60 100% 5 Deals damage and may raise all your Pokemon's stats by 1 level temporarily - 10% chance Level
ATTRACT Normal - 100% 15 If opponent's Pokemon is of the opposite sex there is a 50% chance it will be unable to attack TM45
AURORA BEAM Ice 65 100% 20 Deals damage and may decrease opponent's attack power by 1 level temporarily (does not freeze)* Level
BARRAGE Normal 15 85% 20 Your Pokemon attacks 2 to 5 times in a row Level
BARRIER Psychic - - 30 Increases your Pokemon's defense by 2 levels temporarily Level
BATON PASS Normal - - 40 Allows you to switch Pokemon during a battle, new Pokemon retains any bonuses the previous Pokemon had Level
BEAT UP Dark 10 100% 10 Your Pokemon attacks as many times as the number of Pokemon you are currently carrying, afflicted (poison, sleep, etc.) Pokemon don't count [Sneasel] Level
BELLY DRUM Normal - - 10 Raises your attack to the max in exchange for 1/2 your HPs Level
BIDE Normal - 100% 10 Your Pokemon waits 2 to 3 turns then hits opponent for twice the damage received Level
BIND Normal 15 75% 20 Prevents opponent from fleeing, damage continues for 2-5 turns in addition to other attacks* Level
BITE Dark* 60 100% 25 Deals damage and may flinch opponent - 30% chance Level
BLIZZARD Ice 120 70% 5 Deals damage and may freeze opponent - 10% chance TM14
BODY SLAM Normal 85 100% 15 Deals damage and may paralyze opponent - 30% chance Level
BONE CLUB Ground 65 85% 20 Deals damage and may scare opponent - 10% chance [Cubone / Marowak] Level
BONEMERANG Ground 50 90% 10 Your Pokemon attacks twice [Cubone / Marowak] Level
BONE RUSH Ground 25 80% 10 Your Pokemon attacks 2 to 5 times in a row [Cubone / Marowak] Level
BUBBLE Water 20 100% 30 Deals damage and may decrease opponent's speed by 1 level temporarily - 10% chance Level
BUBBLEBEAM Water 65 100% 20 Deals damage and may decrease opponent's speed by 1 level temporarily - 10% chance Level
CHARM Normal - 100% 20 Decreases opponent's attack by 2 levels temporarily Level
CLAMP Water 35 75% 10 Prevents opponent from fleeing*, damage continues for 2-5 turns [Shellder] Level
COMET PUNCH Normal 18 85% 15 Your Pokemon attacks 2 to 5* times in a row Level
CONFUSE RAY Ghost - 100% 10 Confuses opponent Level
CONFUSION Psychic 50 100% 25 Deals damage and may confuse opponent - 10% chance Level
CONSTRICT Normal 10 100% 35 Deals damage and may decrease opponent's speed temporarily - 10% chance Level
CONVERSION Normal - - 30 Your Pokemon switches its type to the type of one of its moves* [Porygon] Level
CONVERSION2 Normal - 100% 30 Your Pokemon switches its type to the type most resistant to your opponent's attacks [Porygon] Level
COTTON SPORE Grass - 85% 40 Lowers opponent's speed by 2 levels temporarily [Mareep / Flaaffy] Level
COUNTER Fighting - 100% 20 Hits opponent for twice the damage received (works against physical attacks only), always attacks last regardless of speed Level
CRABHAMMER Water 90 85% 10 Has a good chance for a critical hit [Krabby / Kingler] Level
CROSS CHOP Fighting 100 80% 5 Has a good chance for a critical hit Level
CRUNCH Dark 80 100% 15 May decrease opponent's special defense by 1 level temporarily - 20% chance Level
CURSE ???? - - 10 If used by ghost type Pokemon, it halves its HPs and damages opponent for that amount of damage every turn. If used by any other type of Pokemon, it lowers its speed by 1 level and raises its attack and defense by 1 level TM03
CUT Normal 50 95% 30 Regular attack, allows you to chop down certain trees in the field HM01
DEFENSE CURL Normal - - 40 Increases your Pokemon's defense by 1 level temporarily TM40
DESTINY BOND Ghost - - 5 If your Pokemon uses this and faints, your opponent faints too (cheese move) Level
DETECT Fighting - - 5 Blocks opponent's attack. Chance of success decreases if used consecutively.  [More info] TM43
DIG Ground 60 100% 10 Your Pokemon digs underground on the 1st turn, then attacks on the 2nd; allows you to escape from caves and dungeons* TM28
DISABLE Normal - 55% 20 Disables your opponent's ability that was last used for several rounds* Level
DIZZY PUNCH Normal 70 100% 10 Deals damage and may confuse opponent - 20% chance Level
DOUBLE KICK Fighting 30 100% 30 Your Pokemon attacks twice Level
DOUBLE TEAM Normal - - 15 Increases your Pokemon's chance for evading attacks by 1 level TM32
DOUBLE-EDGE Normal 120 100% 15 Your Pokemon receives 1/4 the damage opponent receives Level
DOUBLESLAP Normal 15 85% 10 Your Pokemon attacks 2 to 5 times in a row Level
DRAGON RAGE Dragon - 100% 10 Deals 40 points of damage Level
DRAGONBREATH Dragon 60 100% 20 Deals damage and may paralyze opponent - 30% chance TM24
DREAM EATER Psychic 100 100% 15 Your Pokemon absorbs HP from the opponent equal to 1/2 the attack damage (works only when opponent is asleep) TM42
DRILL PECK Flying 80 100% 20 Regular attack Level
DYNAMICPUNCH Fighting 100 50% 5 Deals damage and confuses opponent TM01
EARTHQUAKE Ground 100 100% 10 Regular attack, not effective on Flying-type Pokemon TM26
EGG BOMB Normal 100 75% 10 Deals damage Level
EMBER Fire 40 100% 25 Deals damage and may burn opponent - 10% chance Level
ENCORE Normal - 100% 5 Makes opponent repeat his last attack for 2 - 6 turns Level
ENDURE Normal - - 10 Your Pokemon's HPs cannot be lowered below 1 the turn this is used, chance of success decreases if used consecutively. [More info] TM20
EXPLOSION Normal 250 100% 5 Your Pokemon faints after using* Level
EXTREMESPEED Normal 80 100% 5 Your Pokemon attacks first, if both Pokemon use this attack the faster one attacks first [Arcanine] Level
FAINT ATTACK Dark 60 - 20 Attack always hits Level
FALSE SWIPE Normal 40 100% 40 Deals damage but always leaves at least 1 HP remaining, handy for catching wild Pokemon Level
FIRE BLAST Fire 120 85% 5 Deals damage and may burn opponent - 10% chance TM38
FIRE PUNCH Fire 75 100% 15 Deals damage and may burn opponent - 10% chance TM48
FIRE SPIN Fire 15 70% 15 Prevents opponent from fleeing, damage continues for 2 - 5 turns* Level
FISSURE Ground - 30% 5 If successful, defeats opponent in one attack (not effective on Flying-type Pokemon) [Diglett / Dugtrio] Level
FLAIL Normal - 100% 15 Deals more damage the lower your Pokemon's HPs are. <Further Explanation> Level
FLAME WHEEL Fire 60 100% 25 Deals damage and may burn opponent - 10% chance, also un-freezes you and your opponent's Pokemon Level
FLAMETHROWER Fire 95 100% 15 Deals damage and may burn opponent - 10% chance Level
FLASH Normal - 70% 20 Decreases opponent's accuracy by 1 level temporarily, lights dark caves and dungeons HM05
FLY Flying 70 95% 15 Your Pokemon flies on the 1st turn, then attacks on the 2nd, allows swift travel between towns you've visited HM02
FOCUS ENERGY Normal - - 30 Increases your Pokemon's chances for critical hits Level
FORESIGHT Normal - 100% 40 The next attack will have its original accuracy (even after the opponent uses evade attacks). It also lets Normal and Fighting type attacks hit Ghosts. Level
FRUSTRATION Normal - 100% 20 Damage increases the more your Pokemon dislikes you TM21
FURY ATTACK Normal 15 85% 20 Your Pokemon attacks 2 to 5* times in a row Level
FURY CUTTER Bug 10 95% 20 Damage doubles each time this move is used consecutively, damage returns to normal if you miss TM49
FURY SWIPES Normal 18 80% 15 Your Pokemon attacks 2 to 5* times in a row Level
FUTURE SIGHT Psychic 80 90% 15 Attack hits 2 turns later Level
GIGA DRAIN Grass 60 100% 5 Your Pokemon recovers HPs equal to 1/2 the damage dealt TM19
GLARE Normal - 75% 30 Paralyzes opponent Level
GROWL Normal - 100% 40 Decreases opponent's attack power by 1 level temporarily Level
GROWTH Normal - - 40 Increases your Pokemon's special attack by 1 level temporarily Level
GUILLOTINE Normal - 30% 5 If successful, defeats opponent in one attack Level
GUST Flying 40 100% 35 Deals damage Level
HARDEN Normal - - 30 Increases your Pokemon's defense by 1 level temporarily Level
HAZE Ice - - 30 Cancels all effects on both Pokemon Level
HEAD BUTT Normal 70 100% 15 Deals damage and may scare opponent - 30% chance, shakes small trees TM02
HEAL BELL Normal - - 5 Cancels all effects on all friendly Pokemon Level
HI JUMP KICK Fighting 85 90% 20 If your Pokemon misses, it receives 1/8 the damage it would have dealt Level
HIDDEN POWER Normal - 100% 15 The type of attack and the damage it does depends on what type of Pokemon is using it.  <Further Explanation> TM10
HORN ATTACK Normal 65 100% 25 Deals damage Level
HORN DRILL Normal - 30% 5 If successful, defeats opponent in one attack Level
HYDRO PUMP Water 120 80% 5 Deals damage Level
HYPER BEAM Normal 150 90% 5 Pokemon loses one turn, very powerful TM15
HYPER FANG Normal 80 90% 15 Deals damage and may scare opponent - 10% chance Level
HYPNOSIS Psychic - 60% 20 Puts opponent to sleep Level
ICE BEAM Ice 95 100% 10 Deals damage and may freeze opponent - 10% chance Level
ICE PUNCH Ice 75 100% 15 Deals damage and may freeze opponent - 10% chance TM33
ICY WIND Ice 55 95% 15 Deals damage and lowers opponent's speed by 1 level TM16
IRON TAIL Steel 100 75% 15 May lower opponents defense by 1 level temporarily - 30% chance TM23
JUMP KICK Fighting 70 95% 25 If your Pokemon misses, it receives 1/8 the damage it would have dealt Level
KARATE CHOP Normal 50 100% 25 Has a good chance for a critical hit Level
KINESIS Psychic - 80% 15 Decreases opponent's accuracy* by 1 level temporarily Level
LEECH LIFE Bug 20 100% 15 Your Pokemon recovers HPs equal to 1/2 the damage dealt Level
LEECH SEED Grass - 90% 10 Your Pokemon absorbs some of opponent's HP every turn, effect remains even if you switch Pokemon Level
LEER Normal - 100% 30 Decreases opponent's defense by 1 level temporarily Level
LICK Ghost 20 100% 30 Deals damage and may paralyze opponent - 30% chance Level
LIGHT SCREEN Psychic - - 30 Cuts the damage received from special attacks by 50% for 5 turns, effect remains even if you switch Pokemon Level
LOCK-ON Normal - 100% 5 Your next attack has a 100% chance to hit Level
LOVELY KISS Normal* - 75% 10 Puts opponent to sleep Level
LOW KICK Fighting 50 90% 20 Deals damage and may scare opponent - 30% chance Level
MACH PUNCH Fighting 40 100% 30 Always attacks first, if both Pokemon use this attack the faster Pokemon attacks first [Hitmonchan] Level
MAGNITUDE Ground - 100% 30 Deals 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, or 150 damage Level
MEAN LOOK Normal - 100% 5 Prevents opponent from fleeing as long as the Pokemon who used the attack is in battle Level
MEDITATE Psychic - - 40 Increases your Pokemon's attack power by 1 level temporarily Level
MEGA DRAIN Grass 40 100% 10 Your Pokemon absorbs HP from opponent equal to 1/2 the damage dealt Level
MEGAHORN Bug 120 85% 10 Deals damage [Heracross] Level
MEGA KICK Normal 120 75% 5 Deals damage [Hitmonlee] Level
MEGA PUNCH Normal 80 85% 20 Deals damage Level
METAL CLAW Steel 50 95% 35 Deals damage and may raise your attack power by 1 level temporarily - 10% chance [Scizor] Level
METRONOME Normal - - 10 Uses a random attack (all attacks, not just TMs)* Level
MILK DRINK Normal - - 10 Restores half of your Pokemon's HPs, or gives one fifth of your HPs to one of your other Pokemon [Miltank] Level
MIMIC Normal - 100% 10 Your Pokemon mimics opponent's last attack and can use it for the duration of the battle [Sudowoodo] Level
MIND READER Normal - 100% 5 Guarantees the next attack to have 100% accuracy (unless Protect or Endure was used) Level
MINIMIZE Normal - - 20 Increases your Pokemon's chances for evading attacks by 1 level temporarily Level
MIRROR COAT Psychic - 100% 20 Hits opponent for twice the damage received (works against special attacks only), always attacks last Level
MIRROR MOVE Flying - - 20 Your Pokemon mimics opponent's last attack Level
MIST Ice - - 30 Defends against special attacks designed to decrease your Pokemon's abilities Level
MOONLIGHT Normal - - 5 Restores HPs, amount restored depends on time, most effective at night Level
MORNING SUN Normal - - 5 Restores lost HPs, amount restored depends on time of day Level
MUD-SLAP Ground 20 100% 10 Deals damage and lowers opponent's accuracy by 1 level temporarily (stronger version of Sand Attack) TM31
NIGHTMARE Ghost - 100% 15 Puts nightmare effect on opponent causing 1/4 loss of HPs per turn, only works while opponent is asleep TM50
NIGHT SHADE Ghost - 100% 15 Damage dealt is equal to your Pokemon's experience level Level
OCTAZOOKA Water 65 85% 10 Deals damage and may lower opponent's accuracy by 1 level temporarily - 50% chance [Remoraid/Octillery] Level
OUTRAGE Dragon 90 100% 15 Deals damage for 2 to 3 turns, after that your Pokemon gets confused Level
PAY DAY Normal 40 100% 20 You get extra money after the battle equal to... (your level X number of attacks X 2) Level
PECK Flying 35 100% 35 Deals damage Level
PERISH SONG Normal - - 5 Faints both Pokemon in 3 turns, effect is canceled if Pokemon are switched Level
PETAL DANCE Grass 70 100% 20 Deals damage for 2 to 3 turns, but confuses your Pokemon after that. Level
PIN MISSLE Bug 14 85% 20 Your Pokemon attacks 2 to 5* times in a row Level
PAIN SPLIT Normal - 100% 20 You and your opponent's HPs are raised or lowered so as to be equal to 1/2 the sum of both Pokemons' current HPs [Misdreavus only] Level
POISON GAS Poison - 55% 40 Poisons opponent Level
POISON STING Poison 15 100% 35 Deals damage and may poison opponent - 30% chance Level
POISON POWDER Poison - 75% 35 Poisons opponent Level
POUND Normal 40 100% 35 Deals damage Level
PRESENT Normal - 90% 15 Random effect; either does 40, 80, or 120 damage or restores your opponent's HPs by 80 [Delibird] Level
PROTECT Normal - - 10 Opponent's attack has no effect that turn, chance of success decreases if used consecutively  [More info] TM17
PSYBEAM Psychic 65 100% 20 Deals damage and may confuse opponent - 10% chance Level
PSYCH UP Normal - - 10 Your Pokemon receives the same temporary special bonuses that your opponent received from one of his moves (such as from Amnesia) TM09
PSYCHIC Psychic 90 100% 10 Deals damage and may decrease opponent's special defense* power by 1 level temporarily TM29
PSYWAVE Psychic - 80% 15 Changes your special attack power at random so damage dealt is equal to between 1 point and 1.5 times your Pokemon's experience level Level
POWDER SNOW Ice 40 100% 25 Deals damage and may freeze opponent - 10% Chance Level
PURSUIT Dark 40 100% 20 Opponent receives double damage to his current Pokemon if he tries to switch Pokemon the turn this attack is used Level
QUICK ATTACK Normal 40 100% 30 Your Pokemon attacks 1st, if both Pokemon use this the faster one attacks first Level
RAGE Normal 20 100% 20 As your Pokemon takes damage, its attack power increases temporarily when used consecutively Level
RAIN DANCE Water - - 5 Increases Water Attack base damage by 50%, decreases Fire Attack base damage by 50%, makes Thunder 99.9% accurate, makes Solar Beam take an EXTRA TURN to charge, and reduces Moon Light, Morning Sun, and Synthesis to half their original effectiveness. These effects only last for 5 turns. TM18
RAPID SPIN Normal 20 100% 40 Deals damage and frees Pokemon from multi-round attacks such as Wrap and Leech Seed Level
RAZOR LEAF Grass 55 95% 25 Has a good chance for a critical hit Level
RAZOR WIND Normal 80 75% 10 Your Pokemon glows on 1st turn, then attacks on the 2nd Level
RECOVER Normal - - 20 Restores life equal to 1/2 the number of Pokemon's max HP Level
REFLECT Psychic - - 20 Cuts the damage received from physical attacks by 50% for 5 turns, effect remains even if you switch Pokemon Level
REST Psychic - - 10 Your Pokemon recovers all HP, then sleeps 2 turns TM44
RETURN Normal - 100% 20 Deals more damage the more your Pokemon likes you TM27
REVERSAL Fighting - 100% 15 Deals greater damage the lower your HPs are. <Further Explanation> Level
ROAR Normal - 100% 20 Ends battle when fighting wild Pokemon, against trainers it switches your opponent's current Pokemon with one of his other Pokemon* TM05
ROCK SMASH Fighting 20 100% 15 Deals damage and may lower opponent's defense by 1 level temporarily, allows you to smash boulders TM08
ROCK SLIDE Rock 75 90% 10 Deals damage and may scare opponent - 30% chance Level
ROCK THROW Rock 50 90% 15 Deals damage Level
ROLLING KICK Fighting 60 85% 15 Deals damage and may scare opponent - 30% chance Level
ROLLOUT Rock 30 90% 20 Attacks for up to 5 turns with damage doubling each turn (that's 480 damage on 5th roll!), damage returns to normal if you miss, since effect continues even if opponent switches Pokemon you can basically knock down enemy Pokemon like bowling pins TM04
SACRED FIRE Fire 100 95% 5 Deals damage and may burn opponent - 50% chance [Ho-oh only] Level
SAFEGUARD Normal - - 25 Protects your Pokemon from special effects (such as paralysis and sleep), shield is used up when you're hit with an effect causing move Level
SAND-ATTACK Ground* - 100% 15 Decreases opponent's accuracy by 1 level temporarily Level
SANDSTORM Rock - - 10 Both Pokemon take damage each round, Rock, Steel, and Ground type Pokemon are immune to its effect TM37
SCARY FACE Normal - 90% 10 Lowers opponent's speed by 2 levels temporarily Level
SCRATCH Normal 40 100% 35* Deals damage Level
SCREECH Normal - 85% 40 Decreases opponent's defense by 2 levels temporarily Level
SEISMIC TOSS Fighting - 100% 20 Damage dealt is equal to Pokemon's experience level Level
SELF DESTRUCT Normal 200 100% 5 Deals damage, but Pokemon faints Level
SHADOW BALL Ghost 80 100% 15 Deals damage and may lower opponent's special defense by 2 levels temporarily - 20% chance TM30
SHARPEN Normal - - 30 Increases your Pokemon's attack power by 1 level temporarily Level
SING Normal - 55% 15 Puts opponent to sleep Level
SKETCH Normal - - 1 Copies opponent's last attack permanently, Pokemon learns new move and forgets Sketch [Smeargle] Level
SKULL BASH Normal 100 100% 15 Pokemon lowers head on 1st turn, then attacks on the 2nd, raises your defense power by 1 level temporarily Level
SKY ATTACK Flying 140 90% 5 Pokemon glows on 1st turn, then attacks on the second, good chance for a critical hit [Moltres only] Level
SLAM Normal 80 75% 20 Deals damage Level
SLASH Normal 70 100% 20 Good chance for a critical hit Level
SLEEP POWDER Grass - 75% 15 Puts opponent to sleep Level
SLEEP TALK Normal - 100% 10 Pokemon attacks with one of the opponent's moves, only used when Asleep. TM35
SLUDGE Poison 65 100% 20 Deals damage and may Poison opponent - 30% chance Level
SLUDGE BOMB Poison 90 100% 10 Deals damage and may Poison opponent - 30% chance TM36
SMOG Poison 20 70% 20 Deals damage and may Poison opponent - 40% chance Level
SMOKESCREEN Normal - 100% 20 Lowers opponent's accuracy Level
SNORE Normal 40 100% 15 Pokemon can use this only when Asleep and may cause opponent to Flinch - 30% chance TM13
SOFTBOILED Normal - 100% 10 Restores life equal to 1/2 the number of Pokemon's max HP Level
SOLAR BEAM Grass 120 100% 10 Pokemon glows on 1st turn, then attacks on the second. Pokemon attacks the first turn if Sunny Day has been used. TM22
SONIC BOOM Normal - 90% 20 Deals 20 points of damage Level
SPARK Electric 65 100% 20 Deals damage and may paralyze opponent - 30% chance Level
SPIDER WEB Bug - 100% 10 Prevents wild Pokemon from fleeing and trainers from changing Pokemon [Spinarak / Ariados] Level
SPIKE CANNON Normal 20 100% 15 Your Pokemon attacks 2 to 5* times in a row Level
SPIKES Ground - - 20 Deals damage each time opponent changes Pokemon, flying Pokemon are immune [Pineco / Forretress only] Level
SPITE Ghost - 100% 10 Lowers the PP of the move your opponent used last by 2 to 5 points Level
SPLASH Normal - - 40 Doesn't do crap Level
SPORE Grass - 100% 15 Puts opponent to sleep [Paras / Parasect only] Level
STEEL WING Steel 70 90% 25 Deals damage and may raise your defense by 1 level temporarily TM47
STOMP Normal 65 100% 20 Deals damage and may scare opponent - 30% chance Level
STRENGTH Normal 80 100% 15 Deals damage, allows you to move boulders HM04
STRING SHOT Bug - 95% 40 Decreases opponent's speed by 1 level temporarily Level
STRUGGLE Normal 50 100% 1 May be used when all PP is gone, but Pokemon takes 1/4* the damage dealt Level
STUN SPORE Grass - 75% 30 Paralyzes opponent Level
SUBMISSION Fighting 80 80% 25 Pokemon takes 1/4 the damage dealt to opponent Level
SUBSTITUTE Normal - - 10 Pokemon uses 1/4 HPs to make a clone that fights automatically; original Pokemon is not effected by damage taken by the clone Level
SUNNY DAY Fire - - 5 Increases Fire Attack base damage by 50%, decreases Water Attack base damage by 50%, makes Thunder 50% accurate, makes Solar Beam fire WITHOUT taking a move to charge, and doubles the effectiveness of Moon Light, Morning Sun, and Synthesis. These effects only last for 5 turns. TM11
SUPER FANG Normal - 90% 10 Cuts opponent's HP in half [Rattata / Raticate only] Level
SUPERSONIC Normal - 55% 20 Confuses opponent Level
SURF Water 95 100% 15 Deals damage, allows you to travel over water HM03
SWAGGER Normal - 90% 15 Confuses opponent but lowers your regular attack power by 2 levels temporarily TM34
SWEET KISS Normal - 75% 10 Confuses opponent Level
SWEET SCENT Normal - 100% 20 Lowers opponents chance of evading attack by 1 level, makes Pokemon appear when used in the field TM12
SWIFT Normal 60 - 20 Attack will always hit* TM39
SWORDS DANCE Normal - - 30 Increases your Pokemon's attack power by 2 levels temporarily Level
SYNTHESIS Grass - - 5 Restores HPs, amount restored depends on time of day Level
TACKLE Normal 35 95% 35 Deals damage Level
TAIL WHIP Normal - 100% 30 Decreases opponent's defense by 1 level temporarily Level
TAKE DOWN Normal 90 85% 20 Your Pokemon takes 1/4 the damage dealt Level
TELEPORT Psychic - - 20 Ends battle automatically (doesn't work while fighting trainers) and takes you to the last Pokemon Center you visited [Abra] Level
THIEF Dark 40 100% 10 Steals items carried by wild Pokemon, deals damage if Pokemon isn't carrying anything TM46
THRASH Normal 90 100% 20 Deals damage for 2 to 3 turns but confuses your Pokemon after that Level
THUNDER Electric 120 70% 10 Deals damage and may paralyze opponent - 30% chance TM25
THUNDERBOLT Electric 95 100% 15 Deals damage and may paralyze opponent - 10% chance Level
THUNDERPUNCH Electric 75 100% 15 Deals damage and may paralyze opponent - 10% chance TM41
THUNDERSHOCK Electric 40 100% 30 Deals damage and may paralyze opponent - 10% chance Level
THUNDER WAVE Electric - 100% 20 Paralyzes opponent Level
TOXIC Poison - 85% 10 Poisons opponent (damage increases each turn) TM06
TRANSFORM Normal - - 10 Transforms Pokemon into a copy of its opponent; however, all moves have only 5 PP [Ditto] Level
TRI ATTACK Normal 80 100% 10 Deals damage and may paralyze, burn, or freeze opponent - 20% chance Level
TRIPLE KICK Fighting 10 90% 10 Your Pokemon attacks 3 times in a row, each turn the attack hits base damage increases by 10, damage returns to normal if you miss [Hitmontop] Level
TWINEEDLE Bug 25 100% 20 Pokemon attacks twice and may poison opponent - 20% chance [Beedrill] Level
TWISTER Dragon 40 100% 20 Deals damage and may scare opponent - 20% chance Level
VICEGRIP Normal 55 100% 30 Deals damage Level
VINE WHIP Grass 35 100% 10 Deals damage Level
VITAL THROW Fighting 70 100% 10 Always attacks last, but your next attack has 100% chance to hit [Machop/choke/champ] Level
WATER GUN Water 40 100% 25 Deals damage Level
WATERFALL Water 80 100% 15 Deals damage, allows you to climb waterfalls HM07
WHIRLPOOL Water 15 70% 15 Deals damage for 2 to 5 turns, prevents opponent from fleeing, allows you to pass over whirlpools HM06
WHIRLWIND Normal - 100% 20 Against wild Pokemon - ends battle automatically; against trainers - makes opponent switch Pokemon* Level
WING ATTACK Flying 60 100% 35 Deals damage Level
WITHDRAW Water - - 40 Increases your Pokemon's defense by 1 level temporarily Level
WRAP Normal 15 85% 20 Your Pokemon attacks for 2 to 5 turns* in a row, prevents opponent from fleeing Level
ZAP CANNON Electric 100 50% 5 Deals damage AND paralyzes opponent TM07




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