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Mahogany (Choju) Town "Store"
If you head to the middle of the town where a guy is selling things, you'll find Lance inside. He'll show you the secret door to Team Rocket's Hideout.

Make sure your Pokemon are strong, a lot of Team Rocket members will fight you in here.


Team Rocket Hideout - Level 1
This map looks peaceful, right? WRONG. Every time you pass one of the Statues, 2 Rocket Grunts will come and fight you. They say that there's a camera in the Statues, and the only way to turn them off is to hit the switch.

The switch is on that lone computer which you can get to after defeating the Scientist in the center.


Team Rocket Hideout - Level 2
Lance will heal your Pokemon when you talk to him on the 2nd level. He'll go ahead of you. Beat the 2 rocket members and go down the stairs.


Team Rocket Hideout - Level 3
CardKey Password
Here Lance will talk to you again. He says that to unlock the doors on this level you need to get 2 passwords from the Rocket members. The two members that have the passwords are on this level. The first one is the girl Rocket, facing the computer. Talk to her after you battle her and she'll give you her password. The other is the Rocket near the 2 Pokeballs. After battling him talk to him and he'll give you his password. Follow the stairs until you get to the locked door. Your Rival will come to talk to you but he won't battle.

Unlock the door and fight the Rocket Executive. After he leaves, talk to the Murkrow and it'll give you the final password, "Hail Giovanni." Then head back to the 2nd Floor and unlock the 2nd locked door.


Deactivate the Radio Signal

After unlocking the door, 2 Rocket Executives will come and gang up on you. Luckily Lance comes and battles one of them, while you battle the other. After that is over, Lance tells you that the radio signal needs to be stopped. Since there is no switch, you must battle the Electrode and either catch them, or make them faint.

After defeating the Electrode, Lance will thank you and give you HM06, Whirlpool. Whirlpool lets you get passed rough waters.



Mahogany (Choju) Town Gym - Glacier Badge (#7)
Pryce uses Ice Pokemon. If you picked up a Magmar from earlier, he'd be useful right around now. If not, an electric attack will take care of Seel and Dewgong.

After beating Pryce, you'll get the Glacier Badge. This badge will raise your Pokemon's Special and it'll let you use Whirlpool outside of battles. He'll also give you TM16, Icy Wind.

Pokemon Level Exp.
Seel 27 577
Dewgong 29 1093
Piloswine 31 1052
Prizes: $3100, TM16


Team Rocket Has Taken Over Goldenrod City

Before heading on, you'll have to backtrack. Professor Elm calls you to tell you Goldenrod (Kogane) City's Radio broadcasts seemed to be talking a lot about Team Rocket. He wants you to head to Goldenrod to check things out.

Head back to Goldenrod (Kogane) City for more Rocket fun.


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