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TM or HM, Be gone!
There is a guy in Blackthorn (Fusube) City that will erase TM's or HM's from your Pokemon. Just talk to him and he will ask which move you want deleted.

This is very useful since the HM's in this game are used more regularly. So having all the required Pokemon at the same time with these moves and having your normal fighting Pokemon is hard to do. So eventually you'll give in and teach one of your good Pokemon an HM. But don't worry you can delete it later!

(Krabby/Kingler can learn Cut, Surf, Strength, and Rock Smash, though)


Santos of Saturday
Hey it's Santos. Santos will give you Spell Tag after talking to him. Spell Tag will increase the power of Ghost attacks.


Blackthorn (Fusube) City Gym - Rising Badge (#8)

Note: If you can't get into this gym because of a guy blocking it, you have forgotten to beat something earlier in the game, most likely you have not been following this Walkthru and came straight to this page. In that case, click the back button a few times down there at the bottom of the page to see what you missed.

Before battling Clair there will be a small puzzle where you have to push 3 Rocks into holes to make paths over the molten lava below. Not to mention trainers to fight.

But eventually you'll make it to Clair. Her Dragon Pokemon can be taken out with Ice attacks.

After defeating Clair, you won't get a badge. First you must surf behind the gym and enter a cave called the Dragon's Den and get an item called the Dragon Fang.

Pokemon Level Exp.
Dragonair 37 1141
Dragonair 37 1141
Dragonair 31 1141
Kingdra 40 1713
Prizes: $4000


Dragon's Den - Getting the Badge from Clair

Inside you must surf around. You may encounter a Dratini every once and awhile. You'll have to get passed a whirlpool, so bring along your Pokemon that has HM06 equipped. Once you find the lone Pokeball and pick it up, Clair will come along and give you the Rising Badge. Now all Pokemon will obey you and you'll be able to use Waterfall outside of battle. She'll also give you TM24, Dragonbreath.

Once you exit the Dragon's Den, Professor Elm will tell you he's got something for you. So go back to New Bark (Wakaba) Town and talk to him.


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