Andrew chillin' on a couch
Baby Andrew!! :-)
Andrew as a youngen playing around
Andrew bein' his crazy self again...
Andrew looking mighty dapper!!
Andrew & Angie @ bible school
Sarah Hennrick & Andrew O'Brien @ PROM 2002
As you can see through this page, Andrew O'Brien is my idol. I desire to be like him in every way. He has the purest heart of anyone I know, and he is clearly in touch with God. He has the strongest faith and social attitude of any of my friends. He has the greatest leadership skills of anyone I've come in contact with and he is open to other people in all aspects of the word. He has the greatest sense of self-determination and he is constantly complimenting & encouraging others. Andrew is always looking for new friends and has NO enemies, even if he thinks someone is strange or quirky. He loves all people he meets and he has UNCONDITIONAL love for his closest friends. In times of sadness, he gives me something to laugh about. In times of depression, I know he'll be there to give me hope. Andrew O'Brien truly IS and always WILL BE the role model in my life...Back to my Homepage