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Students of the Round Table


Expo. Writing


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Date Assigned



Bring a folder, pen and notebook to class


Brainstorm and outline for your favorite movie

9/13 Main idea and supporting details worksheet
9/16 Brainstorm & Outline for The Most Important Person in Your Life
9/17 Rough Draft and Peer Edit Most Imp. Person Paragraph
9/18 Final Draft and Self Edit Sheet
9/19 Turn in all of the steps of the writing process for essay #1

Point of View notes

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty vocabulary

9/23 Begin Secret Life of Walter Mitty
9/24 Continue Mitty
9/25 Vocab quiz

Finish Mitty

pg 304-305:  Reader's Response/ Critical Thinking # 1,3,4/ Reading for Success# 2&3


9/26 Subject verb recog. quiz
9/27 1st 3 steps of the writing process on capital punishment
9/30 Review subj/verb recognition

Continue unity in the paragraph group work

Limiting a topic wksht

10/1 Retake quiz

irrelevant ideas in a paragraph

10/2 Ordering information within a paragraph
10/3 computer lab
10/4 Writing practice #3  abortion
10/7 Essay #3 your choice:

Describe the best day you ever had.

Describe your dream house.

List the most important qualities in a leader.

First three steps due tomorrow

10/8 Microsoft practice in the Computer Lab
10/9 Peer Edit and Final Draft for essay #2
10/10 Making predictions notes

Begin Cold War notes

Vocabulary for Golden Kite and the Silver Wind (quiz Wednesday)

10/11 Writing practice #4 Marijuana

Essay #2 due today

10/15 Finish Cold War notes

Review predicting

Begin Golden Kite and predicting wksht

10/16 Continue Golden Kite
10/17 Finish The Golden Kite, the Silver Wind

Reader's Response Literary Focus #1-2 (156-157)

10/18 Writing journal #5 Peer Pressure
10/21 Interloper's Vocabulary (quiz Wednesday)
10/22 Begin the Interlopers

Conflict notes

10/23 Finish Interlopers

Hmwk:  Explain the external and two internal conflicts in this story.

Pg. 267 Thematic Focus

Bonus:  Who are the two interlopers in the story?

Be ready for a quiz on the story

10/24 Quiz on Interlopers

Notes on Interlopers

10/25 Peer Pressure
10/28 Begin essay #3

1st 2 steps due tomorrow

Notebooks due Friday

10/29 continue essay #3
10/30 Free Day
10/31 Setting notes

Sensory impressions of your favorite movie

11/1 Pictionary Review
11/4 Too, two,to

Background notes for Cask of Amontillado

11/5 Begin Amontillado
11/6 Advisory meeting
11/7 Continue Amontillado
11/8 Continue Amontillado
11/12 Finish Amontillado
11/13 Cask Quiz
11/14 Career Day
11/15 Sensory Impressions

Mood of story

Literary Focus #2

Idea Bank #1

11/18 Review homework

Grammar quiz Wednesday

11/19 Begin definitions for Animal Farm

Government discussion

11/20 Finish Vocab

Finish government discussion

11/21 Begin Animal Farm

Read chapter 1

11/22 Grammar quiz on word usage

Silent reading of chapter 2

Discussion of 1&2 will be on Monday

11/25 Quiz on chapters 1-2

Review Ch. 1-2

Begin chapter 3

11/26 Chapter 3 quiz

Review Ch. 3

Begin Ch. 4

11/27 Story pictionary
12/2 Discuss Ch. 4

Notebook Assignment:

How is life different on the farm now that the animals are in control?

Read Ch. 5 for Hmwk.

12/3 Discuss Ch. 5

Begin Ch. 6

12/4 Discuss Ch.6

Begin Ch. 7

12/5 Discuss Ch. 7

Begin Ch. 8

12/6 Ch. 8 quiz

Discuss Ch. 8

Begin Ch. 9

12/9 Ch. 9 extra credit quiz

Discuss irony in Animal Farm

12/10 Discuss Ch. 9

Begin Ch. 10

12/11 Review for Animal Farm Test
12/13 Animal Farm Test
12/16 Make-up test and review test
12/17 TABE Test
12/18 Begin Animal Farm movie
12/19 Animal Farm
12/20 Animal Farm




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