Pictures Of The Ford Indigo
Here are a bunch of pix of the sweetest car ever made, the 1996 Ford Indigo.
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Before I talk about this fine fucking car, I'll give you some time to catch your breath after looking at this pic. Better? Good. Presenting the 1996 Ford Indigo. GOD DAMN. I told you this was the sweetest car ever made. The Indigo makes the Prowler look like a fucking go-cart. The Indigo is only a prototype so it's not for sale, which really sucks. I would do anything to have this car. I'll tell you more about it in the following pix.

Here is a sweet front shot of the Indigo at a car show. The hood is clear but tinted so you can see the front suspention. The Indigo's top speed is 170 mph. It can go from 0 to 60 in 3.9 seconds.

Another front shot of the Indigo.

Here is a rear shot of the Indigo. The engine is in the back of the car.

Another rear shot.
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