"He just took off. It was so weird." -Buffy
"Angel? Weird? What are the odds?" -Xander

"What are you doing for Christmas?" -Buffy
"Being Jewish. Remember, people? Not everybody worships Santa." -Willow

"Well, I'll be in Aspen. Skiing. With actual snow." -Cordelia
"I hear that helps." -Buffy

"After what happened, we gotta cut her some slack." -Willow
"That's the Christmas spirit!" -Xander
"Hello, still Jewish. Chanukah spirit, I believe that was?" -Willow

"I know you guys have a history." -Oz
"But it's a history that's in the past! Well, I guess most history is in the past..." -Willow

"Look, I'm aware I haven't been the mostest best friend to you when it comes to the whole Angel thing...I don't know, maybe I finally got the Chanukah spirit."

"Do you really wanna let her spend Christmas Eve all by herself in that dingy little motel room?" -Joyce
"You're still number one with a guilt trip, Mom." -Buffy

"We know underground. That's a start." -Xander
"Sure, in a town with fourteen million square miles of sewer." -Buffy
"Plus a lot of natural cave formations and a gateway to Hell. Yeah, this does resemble square one." -Xander

"There we go." -Joyce
"Nothing like a roaring fire to keep away the blistering heat!" -Buffy
"Oh, come on. It's lovely. Maybe I should turn the air conditioning on." -Joyce

"You have to stay away from me." -Angel
"You came to see me to tell me that I can't see you?" -Buffy

Season Three
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Return to the Stronghold