"My foot's caught on a root or something, and... I don't even know how I got down there. If you girls could just give me a hand..."
"Hmm... So, he's got the power?" -Dawn

"When you brought me here, I thought it was to kill me or to lock me in some mystical dungeon for all eternity or—with the torture. Instead, you go all Dumbledore on me."
-Willow, to Giles

"How exactly do you make cereal?" -Xander
"You put the box near the milk. I saw it on the food channel." -Buffy

"You have everything? Books, lunch, stakes?"
–Buffy, to Dawn

"Now, remember, if you see anything strange...or, you know...dead..." -Buffy
"I got it!" -Dawn
"And stay away from hyena people, or any lizard-type athletes, you know...or if you see anyone that's invisible..." -Buffy

"You know, you could still drop out. Only nerds finish high school."
-Buffy, to Dawn

"I know! You never know what's coming. The stake is not the power. To Serve Man is a cookbook. I love you. Go away."
-Dawn, to Buffy

"No deaths. No eviscerations. You're not goading women into anything inventive, and you're not delivering when it is."
-Halfrek, to Anya

"The school board recommended I spend a little time reading your record. It's, um, quite a page-turner. Kind of a checkered past..." -Principal Wood
"More like a plaid...kind of a clan tartan of badness, really." -Buffy

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