This one's a little low on funny quotes...but it is so worth watching!!

"Any idea where [Spike] went?" -Buffy
"I don't know—creature of the night, Buff—he's probably out...creaturing." -Xander

"You know, you were a lot more fun when you didn't have a soul." -Anya
"Oh, come on, now! I've just explained to you—" -Spike
"All I'm saying is, souless Spike would have had me upside down and half-way to happy land by now!" -Anya
"I need my pants." -Spike

"I'm looking for this guy—bleach-blonde hair, leather jacket, british accent? Kind of sallow, but in a hot way?" -Buffy
"Yeah, yeah, I know the guy—Billy Idol wannabe?" -Bouncer
"Actually, Billy Idol stole his look from—never mind..." -Buffy

"Is that all I was to you—a one-bite stand?"
Vampire girl, to Spike

Season Seven
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