"No, those weren't vampires, those were just guys in
thundering need of a facial." -Buffy
"Oh, I...I need to sit down." -Willow
"You are sitting down." -Buffy
"Oh, good for me..." -Willow
"I looked around, but as soon as they got clear of the graveyard, they could have just—vroom!" -Buffy
"They can fly?!?" -Xander
"They can drive." -Buffy
"So, all the city plans are just, uh, open to the public?" -Giles
"Um, well, in a way... I sort of stumbled onto them when I accidentally decrypted the city council's security system." -Willow
"Okay, so, crosses, garlic, stake through the heart..." -Xander
"That'll get it done." -Buffy
"Cool! Of course, I don't actually have any of those things." -Xander
"Good thinking." -Buffy
"Well, the part of my brain that would tell me to bring that stuff is still busy telling me not to come down here." -Xander
"You've done some beheading in your time?" -Xander
"Oh, yeah! There was this time I was pinned down by this guy that
played left tackle for varsity—well, at least, he used to before he was a vampire—anyway, he had this really, really thick neck, and all I had was a little, little exact-O knife...you're not loving this story..." -Buffy
"No, actually, I find it oddly comforting." -Xander
"I feel good, Xander! I feel strong! I'm connected, man, to everything! I—I can hear the worms in the earth!" -Jesse
"That's a plus." -Xander (grimacing)
"...but senior boys, mmm,
they have mystery. They have... What's the word I'm searching for? Cars! I just am not the type to settle. Y'know? It's like when I go shopping.
I have to have the most expensive thing. Not because it's expensive, but
because it costs more." -Cordelia
"You know, I—" -Unidentified girl
"Ah, hello, Miss Motormouth, can I get a sentence finished?" -Cordelia
"Did we win?" -Willow
"Well, we averted the Apocalypse. I give us points for that." -Buffy
"What exactly were you expecting?" -Buffy
"I don't know, something. I mean, the dead rose. We should at least have an assembly." -Xander
"We're at the center of a mystical convergence here! We may, in fact, stand between the Earth and its total destruction!" -Giles (gleefully)
"Well, I gotta look on the bright side. Maybe I can still get kicked out of school!" -Buffy
"Oh, yeah, that's a plan. Cause lots of schools aren't on Hellmouths." -Xander
"Maybe you could blow something up? They're really strict about that." -Willow
"I was thinking of a more subtle approach, you know, like...excessive not studying." -Buffy
"The earth is doomed!" -Giles
Season One
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