Information about and from "The Puppet Show," the ninth episode of the first season.
Episode Summary:
Buffy and friends are roped into performing at the annual Sunnydale talent show, but there is more at stake than their pride. Someone from the show has killed, and evidence indicates that they'll need to kill again. Can the Scooby Gang stop the murderer before one of their own becomes the next victim?
Well, they can't all be stand out episodes...this one is good but not outstanding in any way. It is effective in introducing Principal Flutie, and in reinforcing the idea that vampires aren't the only evil Buffy and the gang have to face.

Written by: Dean Batali and Rob Des Hotel
Directed by: Ellen Pressman
Original air date: 5/5/97
BuffyWorld Summary
I've found it difficult to keep up with these summarys...so I've linked you to the BuffyWorld summary. These guys do a great job!
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