Damage: Damage Roll x Level = final damage
Example: A 1d4 sword is swung and a 3 is rolled. The user is a level 6 in sword skill. 18 dmg is dealt.
Parry: 1d20 is rolled, a 10 +/- the difference of skills or less.
Example: A Level 6 sword is swung at a level 3 sword, the Level 3 sword would need (10-3=7) 7 or less to parry. Meanwhile, if the level 3 attacked, the level 6 would need (10+3=13) 13 or less to parry.
If a 1 is rolled when trying to parry, you not only parry the attack, but you also get a counter-attack. If a 20 is rolled when trying to parry, you not only get hit, but if the weapon is not magical, it breaks.
Dodge: May be used once per battle, twice if your speed is at 16, and thrice if your speed is at 17. Roll 1d25, and must pass a speed dexterity check. If a 25 is rolled, double damage is dealt.
How to Attack:
1) RP an attack
2) roll 1d20- you will need Weapon Skill x 2 or less to connect a hit. This means that if you are lv 5 in sword, you will need 10 or less to hit. If you are level 8, you will need 16 or less to hit. If you roll a 1, you will do an extra +1 damage before modifiers. If you roll a 20, you will fumble your weapon. It takes one turn to retrieve your weapon.
3) Roll Weapon damage- If your sword is 1d2 damage, you will then roll 1d2
Example of a battle:
He is Level 5 in sword skill.
Moron the 402th: :: draws his sword and slashes the monster ::
OnlineHost: Moron the 402th rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
OnlineHost: Moron the 402th rolled 1 2-sided die: 2
Since he is level 5, he needed a 10 or less to hit. An 8 is 10 or less. Thus, he rolled the dice for his sword, which happened to be 1d2. He deals 10 damage. Why? 2 (was rolled) multiplied by 5 (his weapon skill) = 10 damage.
If he had rolled an 11 or higher, he would've failed the attack and missed.
Shield Block
Blocking with a shield is often overlooked. Each shield has a certain number or less to be rolled to block. For example, a small shield is a shield that must have a 5 or less rolled to block with. You roll 1d20, and if the roll is 5 or less, the shield blocks the attack. If not, you are struck, with no chance to parry.
However, if a 1 is rolled, you not only block the attack but you also manage to -ShieldBash- your opponent. This will disable your attacker's next turn. If you roll a 20, you miss the block, and if the shield is non magical, it will be cleaved in half.
Dual Wield
A popular skill to use is dual wielding two weapons. One must be level 10 to dual wield a weapon (two swords, two daggers, two clubs, etc). Although you receive two attacks, it will be harder to hit with each weapon now that you are using two. Therefore, when one is dual wielding, instead of needing 2x weapon skill or less, you will need weapon skill or less. This means with a level 10 swords skill, while dual wielding, you will need 10 or less with each of the blades to hit.
Making a Character