In TLR, magic is different than in most games. The uses are based on the game, Magic: The Gathering. To cast a spell, one must find the an amulet, ring, or some other trinket with the spell contained inside of it. Once a mage has their spell in possession, they must use mana to cast it. You can collect mana from other mages and from various locations, but the best way is to -tap- the land.
Mana is the lifeforce in a certain land. By using it you tap into the lifeforce of the land. There are 5 colors of mana, and each are for 5 different shades of spells.
For example, the -Lightning Bolt- spell costs 1 red mana and does 1d5 dmg. So to use it, you would: ::draws on one red mana and summons a -Lightning Bolt- to strike the goblin::
Remember, once mana is tapped into, it cannot be used again for a few hours. The land must regenerate its loss of life force.
Spell damage is similar to the weapons dmg. Except in this case the formula is: dmg rolled x 1/2 magic level. So that if a mage with lv 10 magic skill casted the lightning bolt and rolled a 3, the mage would do 15 dmg to his target.
He has a Lv 10 Magic Skill
Dumbass the 10th: :: draws on 5 of the white mana he controls, depleting them
for now, and gestures his hand, unleashing a lance of frost -Ice Spear- ::
OnlineHost: Dumbass the 10th: rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
Because he is level 10 in magic, 6x5 = 30 dmg dealt.
Unlike melee combat, magic always lands.
~ Gaining Magic ~
How does one gain magic though? Spells may be obtained from other wizards, black markets, or just discovering them along some dungeon or quest. Mana, however, can be found by all those same means as well as a magic user ability called TAP. This is the role-play action of drawing the lifeforce from a certain land and turn it into mana.
One must first RP the action, then roll 1d50. If they roll 2x their level or less they will successfully draw the mana. If not, they may try a total of 3 times.
~ Unique Spells ~
The two most unique spells in TLR would be -Resurrection- and -Raise Dead-. They are the same spell with the only difference is Resurrection is only used by Priests and costs 4 white mana. Meanwhile, Raise Dead is only used by Thaumaturges (dark priests) and costs 4 black mana.
The spell process is the same. To cast, you draw 4 mana of the designated color and then proceed to roll 1dX. X is equal to the max hp of the one you choose to bring back from the dead. The amount needed to succeed is listed below. The chart is based on the priest/thaumaturge's level and not their magic level.
Lv 6 | 60% hp to resurrect/raise |
Lv 7-10 | 50% |
Lv 11-14 | 35% |
Lv 15+ | 20% |
After returning from the dead, there may be after effects of death. After one is brought back from the dead, 1d10 will be rolled. The effects are listed below.
1 | Gain 1 constitution | 7 | Loss of 1 Constitution |
2-3 | Nothing Happens | 8 | Loss of 1 Strength |
4 | Loss of 1d6hp | 9 | Loss of 1 Intelligence |
5-6 | Loss of 1 Dexterity | 10 | Loss of 1 of all Attributes |
Making a Character