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1. Introduction
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LightWave v7.5 is an amazing program. With it, you can create 3D animations which are just as good as anything you might see on movies such as 'Final Fantasy', 'Shrek', 'Monster's Inc.' or 'Ice Age'.

Unfortunately, as with all 3D Sculpture programs, it's a program with an incredibly steep learning curve. And most, if not all, tutorial books that are on the market are at such high levels that the beginner doesn't even know where to start.

To a degree, this tutorial is also high-level, but I will also try and illustrate each move that I make without pre-supposing that you already know. I will first try and lay down a stable platform of instruction that will allow you to at least get around a little before I leap right into the heavy-duty material.

One problem that is normally found with authors of tutorials is, they'll say, "Hightlight a point.", but your question afterwards is HOW do you highlight points?

...or they might tell you "Create a polygon.", but HOW does a person create polygons?'


3D Studio Max Revision 4.2 is another top 3D Sculpture program.

Although these tutorials primarily deal with LightWave, I will be showing how LightWave and 3D Studio Max may be coordinated, allowing them to communicate with each other.

... Let's get started.

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