Everyday Witchcraft
Even the rawest recruit can use a little sorcery in her everyday life. How to cope with ten extra pounds, an indifferent man, three children down with colds? These are the sorts of "demons" that plague us all; they're also the problems most susceptible to a beginner's magic. (And they don't require exotic witchy tools like toad's eyes.)
Many people think that all witchcraft is black magic. It's not. Black magic is worked for an evil purpose and is directed at an innocent person. It's not only unsavory but dangerous; often black magicians are overcome by the evil they call up and they rarely enjoy the fruits of their power for long. The magic in this book is white. Generally, this means that it's worked for a good end. Some mischief making spells are given, but they are never directed at innocent people.
Sorcery is as old as mankind.
In every age, some people have believed in it; others have called it
superstition. You alone can determine if witchcraft works for you. This
source of White Magic can give no guarantees except one. |