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In Ancient Egypt, the term amulet had the same sense as a talisman, bringing the wearer protection and a positive aura against external forces.

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A ring of benefic waves that protects the wearer from negative vibes, evil forces and spells. This ring enhances intuition and promotes good luck. The first question asked about this classic looking ring is what are its origins and how has it acquired such a reputation? Who brought this ring to our present day craftsmen? Basically, what is the history of the Egyptian ring?

We will leave it to the words of Roger de Lafforest who, in his remarkable collection of interviews (Ces maisons qui tuent - published Robert Laffont 1972) with the late André de Bélizal, possessor of the Assouan sandstone ring known as the Atlantis Ring.

Discovered in 1860 by the Marquis d'Agrain in the Valley of Kings it has remained in the family of Madame de Bélizal and it is boasted that Howard Carter wore a similar model. In Cairo, before the Great War, Howard Carter befriended a Belgian diplomat in whom he confided that he possessed the ultimate Armour against all spells. He had discovered it in the Valley of Kings in the tomb of Jus, a priest with detailed instructions for use. It had the same properties of protection, healing and parapsychism as the Marquis d'Agrain attributed to his own find. Considering the 'Armour' like powers of Carter's ring and the immunity of the Assouan sandstone ring there isn't a step that we couldn't take without confidence. Extract from "La Bague Egyptienne" - published by Pourpes

bulletKing Salomon's benefices Medals & Pendant's
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Jupiter# 1
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Jupiter# 2
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By definition, the pendant is a metal medal. It draws its power from the pattern and formulas engraved on it. These pendants are the reproduction of those pendants attributed to King Salomon, builder of the Temple of Jerusalem 2,900 years ago. These powers have traversed the millenniums

bulletPENDULUMS (click to zoom)
Arkonauts Crystal Pendulum's
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Egyptian Pendulum

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Tibetan Pendulum

 Ideal for the research of missing people or objects, water springs, treasure…the answers to your questions…

bulletEgyptian Pendulums/Metal Pendulums

The Egyptian pendulum is said to emit good vibes making for the best results
and they work well over a distance with the use of photos. Its performances and properties are truly astonishing and are probably due to its specific shape and origin, the ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs. Its Properties:

bulletAllows for the exact measurement of a person's wave, vibratory rhythm and astral self.
bulletIts high sensitivity makes it capable of all forms of research, measurement and detection.

bulletArkonaut's Crystal Pendulums

The sensitivity of crystal in the world of predictions and parapsychology is well known.
It is very sensitive and is magnetized by your contact, it will conform to you and your aura and become one in perfect harmony.

bulletIntroduction to dowsing (relevant for all types of pendulums.)
Dowsing Rods
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Each human being possesses latent psychic powers. Dowsing belongs to this case and more precisely to the realm of clairvoyance and prediction. Pendulums, in the same way as tarot cards, are merely the props we use to summon this quality of premonition, reacting like a conditioned reflex. In practice to avoid incorrect answers it is best to clear the mind and establish a certain ceremonial like process to condition the subconscious and therefore, obtain the correct reflex. First of all a positive (YES) and a negative (NO) pattern must be established. To discover this pattern simply take the pendulum and think hard 'Yes' and note the direction in which the pendulum swings (normally clockwise for 'Yes' and anti-clockwise for 'No').

bulletPracticing Dowsing

Take the pendulum in a closed, firm hand. Think of the question that you want to have answered. Let the pendulum hang from a supple and relaxed hand. After a few seconds the pendulum will start to react and answer the question.

bulletSome Advice

A pendulum is a personal object and should not be lent out, however they make ideal gifts. It is ideal to always have the pendulum with you. To obtain the best results you must love your pendulum, don't hesitate in giving it a name and talking to it.

bulletCandles and Candleholders
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White For all types of prayers and labors
Yellow Favors success, glory, power and money
Red Favors activities, business, creations
Violet Favors protection and success.
Blue For businesses and health problems.
Green Favors love, friendship and business.
Pink Favors love and mutual affection.

bulletThe Magic of Stones and Gems

According to esoteric traditions certain stones have the following benefits:

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Symbol of light. Favorable for financial success and wealth. It possesses a number of healing qualities. It is most effective for throat infections and difficult menopause. Guarantees financial consistency.

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Good for meditation. . Helps inspiration and healthy judgment. Keeps away anger, fear and anxiety. Soothes physical and moral suffering. Brings good luck to couples and protects against drunkenness.

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Rock Crystal

Combats stress and attracts the kindness of the Gods.

Crystal Balls
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Place the ball between 30-50cm in front of you. The lighting should be low and the ball should have a neutral uniform color. It is recommended to concentrate on one particular question rather than let your mind wander. If you wish to make predictions for someone else it is necessary to concentrate on those asking the questions. After varying periods of time and depending on how gifted the user is, easily recognizable images will appear Sometimes the answers represent themselves in the form of movements, figures or symbols. To simplify your task we have compiled the following list:

bulletMovement Up: Positive
bulletDown: Negative
bulletLeft: Good omen
bulletRight: Bad omen


bulletWhite: Positive
bulletBlack: Negative
bulletGreen/Blue: Positive, Good News
bulletRed: Violence, Danger
bulletYellow: Divine Spirituality


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