created July 17th, 2004


I am the author of the Afictionado fan fiction so it will be no surprise to learn that I'm a fan of the Harry Potter novels, Alan Rickman's acting, and most of all of Professor Severus Snape whom I consider to be J K Rowling most inspired and inspiring character.

I was born in north east London in 1952, and I now live near the south coast of England with my husband and umpteen cats.

I do hope you enjoy reading my stories, all of which are completed works.  Thank you for your time.



Completed Stories (navigate using the bookmarks)

A Maker of Potions
What is his past, present and future? What could this irascible wizard possibly have to fear from a new trainee teacher? What are his long-term ambitions, and can he develop the maturity to achieve them? Could he ever come close to equalling the great Albus Dumbledore, that powerful wizard and inspired manager of difficult personalities, who – as we shall see proved again for us in this tale – can bring all the right people together to resolve a crisis. And is ‘Super Sleuth’ Snape as good a spy as he thinks he is? If you would like answers to these questions, this emotional roller-coaster of a story should fit the bill nicely.

A Measure of Equinimity
Would the final downfall of Lord Voldemort leave Professor Snape untouched, or could it have repercussions? Could you ever feel sorry for the sarcastic and bitter Potions Master? Snape is famously mean and sometimes cruel to students, but what is he like with his colleagues and peers?  Is he tough or shy, sure of himself or vulnerable, ultimately trustworthy or with a bedrock of elemental deceitfulness? Is the petulant Head of Slytherin House a prisoner of his past or can he acquire the maturity to move on?

Dark Angel in the Guardian Host
Why is Professor Snape such an unpleasant person? And does the ‘arch Slytherin’ have any vulnerabilities?  Whatever happened to kindly Professor Lupin? Can the great Professor Dumbledore make any use of Snape’s Slytherin temperament, or must heroic attempts to bring down the terrifying Lord Voldemort rest only with Gryffindor acts of bravery and chivalry? Can Voldemort actually be defeated, or has he found a means to make himself invincible?

 All these questions are answered here.  

Professor Snape’s Mystery Guest
A brief aside to his normal teaching duties gives the Potions Master a tempting challenge - Professor Snape is asked by the Headmaster to help unravel an old and baffling mystery. But can Snape do so?  And how might he do so? Will the key to the mystery lie with the Keeper of the Bookes? Or will it be found from the Enchantress of Robinwood? Or does fate have something quite different in store for this most enigmatic of J. K. Rowling’s inspired and inspiring characters?