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~D. N. A n g e l~

D.N.Angel is the story Of a fourteen year old boy. And On his Fourteenth Birthday... He finds a strange suprise. He is DARK...

Basically, D.N.Angel is a kind of mystery/romance/adventure?/ kind of story. Daisuke Niwa is the son of a strange, but fun mother, and grandson to a strange but ermmm...strange grandfather. Everyday when Daisuke comes home from school, they set traps around their home and "train" him to pick locks and hack into things. He's really good at it too! o_O;;; so all this training pays off, when *suprise suprise* Daisuke is thinking about the day he had. He is someone sad *awwww* and he begins to feel warm...*hot and bubbly* he looks in the mirror and is like "what the....?!!!" and screams down the stairs straight to his mother! Amazingly, his mother is not upset, but happy! Happy that he finally transformed into the famous DARK MOUSY! aka Phantom Thief. His mother had already arranged for him to steal a precious statue too! XD wonderful ain't it? Welllll....I've told you half the story already...^^;;; erm...what else am i missing now...*digs for info* D.N.Angel is created by Sugisaki Yukiru and its a wonderful series that i think everyone should read and enjoy. ^^

D.N.Angel does not belong to me. ^^;;; its by Yukiru Sugisaki-Sensei, and she can REALLY DRAW WELL!!! i.n.v. her. ^^