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My Profile! ^_~


HI! i am bored and this is my profile....hehehe...u must be awfully bored if you're reading this...o_O;;;;

Name: uhm...why do you want to know? its Mei_chan for now! XD

Star Sign: Scorpio just remember that...

Zodiac:Earth Snake

Height: 5'1" im sooo dang short...this pisses me off..>.<

Weight *blushes* why should i tell? XD

Favorite Color/s: the dark sideof the color wheel *grins*

Likes: hmmm...i wonder why i would make a site on anime...ANIME! DUH! what else...i like cooking, baking, drawing...painting has been a little obsession for awhile...what else...*thinks* i like reading a little. I like to use the COMP of course and i have recently been working on a manga! erm...I started over for the 7th time...^^;;; page 0 now...

Favorite Music I LOVE music that is techno-like yet classical kind of opera like. ^^;;; YUKI KAJIURA IS MY FAVORITE ARTIST!!!!!!!! SHE'S THE BEST!!!! i luv her music soooo much and it is EVERYTYPE of music i like in one. GO HER!!!!

Instrument: I play the piano, but i prefer the violin( i don't play that tho...) ;_; im saving money for lessons...;_;

paper WHY AM I TELLING YOU THIS? i dunno...o_O;;; i prefer drawing on half sheets of typing papers...^^;;; im weird like that. Whole sheets of typing paper scare me...^^;;

Favorite manga: by far, i like erm, Paradise Kiss and Planet Ladder. Kodocha is cute too, but i wish i owned it...;_; but reading it is good enough. XD

Favorite Artist: Van Gogh...i guess he likes art the way i like art...through sadness...*cries*

Mangaka: i luv Yukiru Sugisaki and whoever made .hack//sign...^^;;; i luv Myung-Jin Lee too...he's the coolest...^^;;

Dislikes: being bored...i need to be amused or have something to do at all times!!! XD hahahaha. i hate ppl who are mean and they judge u by what ppl tell them. ppl who spread lies about you, etc. having bitchy people you don't even know aim you and they send loads of shit to your face. ooo, especially those freaks with multiple screennames and they log into each one and send multiple shit. HA! i once found out my screenname got passed around all the way to o_O;;; Georgia! I live on the other side of the US, man!

least fave color: I hate orange and yellow. least fave thing? erm.,...being bored...there...I hate everything. there., XD or i hate things that annoy me. hahaha and people annoy me.

Contact me!!! ^_^

hahahaha, that's it for now. Any how, this site is called PRISM: Ice Cream Dreams cuz i our little wannabe CLAMP group is named PRISM. XD isn't that wonderful? and "Ice Cream Dreams" was our first manga idea. We're kinda working on our own for awhile but our soon to be finished doujinshi art will be under the name "PRISM" XD buh bye for now! XD